Same problem here ! Chat with Support today, no fix. Talk to live support, restart boxes, no fix ! Appointment for home visit next week. Could it be problem with my outside or home connection ??? I do not understand how it could be a local issue. Hopefully if other customers are having same problem they will find a fix for all ! Waiting !
Success ! The day that the tech was scheduled to come to my home the Music Choice channels just happened to all resume working ! So I cancelled tech appointment ! I guess someone somewhere actually found out how to fix the problem !
user_cn9de8, Thank you for taking time out of your day to reach out to us at Xfinity Support. Have you tried any troubleshooting steps like restarting your box, or using the Xfinity app to run through a few things there? You can also press the A button on your remote to do a system refresh. Let me know if any of this works. We may need to take a look at some other options if this doesn't work for you.
New Poster
4 Messages
19 days ago
Same problem here ! Chat with Support today, no fix. Talk to live support, restart boxes, no fix ! Appointment for home visit next week. Could it be problem with my outside or home connection ??? I do not understand how it could be a local issue. Hopefully if other customers are having same problem they will find a fix for all ! Waiting !
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
17 days ago