nickp1's profile



69 Messages

Friday, September 4th, 2020 8:00 AM


Losing all StarzEncore channels and MoviePlex

Today 9/4/2020 checking my September billing statement I will be losing all StarzEncore channels and also MoviePlex on Oct 27,2020. Having the digital preferred package I have been recieiving these channels since the onset of my "contract" over 1 & 1/2 yrs. (I am a 20 yr Comcast customer) Will there be any compensation from Comcast since this is NOT the "contract" I had agreed to sign besides providing inferior Streampix channels, of course NOT, unless I sign a subscrption to recieve Strarz (of course price NOT listed on the bill).

Since TCM was my favorite channel I also had to sign up for the Sports and Entertainment package another jab by Comcast.

Anyone else feel this is a common unethical and deceitful way of Comcast business practices.


This is the note on my bill:


  • Effective October 27, 2020, StarzEncore, StarzEncore Westerns, StarzEncore Black, and StarzEncore Action will only be available with a subscription to Starz. They will not be included with Digital Preferred/Preferred. For more information about this change, visit Effective October 27, 2020, MoviePlex will no longer be available. 


Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

I don't consider Screenpix a plus.  Most everything is shows that we are not interested in.  Not at all the same.  Not at all of equal value.  And EPIX shows the same thing at the same time on several of their channels so it's not like you have a lot of choices.

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

Also upset about losing MoviePlex and StarzEncore.  Comcast/Xfinity keeps doing this...dropping channels without adequate warning or compensation.  Terrible customer service.  I'm reaching my tipping point.



New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

I just found out tonight that I lost all Starz channels and TCM which was included in my package I signed up for six months ago.  No compenaation whatsoever, just keep paying the bill. 


I loathe Comcast.  A terrible company; could care less about their customers.  Can't wait to cut the cord.



109 Messages

4 years ago

Well, this just stinks. I get my bill and just pay it. This just gets worse each month. I have been told by many friends to leave cable for streaming. I do worry about internet as I need it for work now, as I am home for the foreseable future. I hear that internet is very expensive with out the cable package. I feel stuck.  Thanks for nothing Xfinity once again!

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

I've had all the premium channels for years and they just decided to remove Starz and replace it with some junk channels. I've been a loyal customer paying a pretty high bill monthly for years. There's a lot of options that I'm going to need to look at and consider dumping comcast.

New Poster


3 Messages

4 years ago

So lets see here. Within a year they have taken away Cinemax, Starz & Starz Encore and replaced with all junk on demand channels. Been with Comcast for over 30 years but this is the last straw. I pay almost $300/month for thier service and it just keeps going downhill. I think its about time to switch to youtube tv. I guarantee i am gone from comcast within 30 days.



15 Messages

4 years ago

Does any form Comcast management read or hear our voices ? The management should listen as they are creating cord cutters without Even realizing it! Comcast does NOT seem to care they are a Monopoly!

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

4 years ago

Agreed. How can Comcast remove channels at will, yet require customers to commit to 24 months?  I hate Comcast. My package lost value, but the monthly price didn't go down. In my area we have Verizon FIOS, plus there are numerous streaming services, and antenna options. I may cancel my service, pay the fee, and never be a Comcast customer again.

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

Comcast is becoming a joke. My bill keeps going up and up and the channels I get keeps going down. This is why so many people I talk to are leaving Comcast in favor or Roku, Hulu, or any other of the many options available to the consumer. I have also been with Comcast for 22 years and the service has become so bad over the years. I pay Comcast north of $300 per month and I think this latest kick in the nuts will finally convince me to go to another service. For that kind of money I can pretty much go anywhere and get everything that has been taken away from me over the past few years. I like you am so disappointed in how they treat long term loyal customers. I’ve had enough of this nonsense.

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

but it does not show the same type programs

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

what is the reasoning for this

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

Yes I just noticed this morning I saw something went to change the channel and it’s not there anymore it’s not what I signed up for and these terrible channels that are the supposed going to offer a great selection of free movies they are free because nobody wants to watch most of them sometimes I see a movie is playing I like to flip over to it in the middle of the movie just for something to watch but with epix it starts the movie from the beginning it’s stupid at least they should make it an option. It’s just all different it’s not worth it anymore hasn’t been in a long time and there’s nothing anyone can do and they know it.



15 Messages

4 years ago

I am in the same boat as you.  1.5 years into a 2 year contract.  They also cut out the AMC channel.  Time to drop me from Comcast after 25 years of being a loyal customer.  They want the wireless customers and internet providers.  Eventually their high rise buildings and absobatant overhead costs will catch up to them.  Perhaps we should go out and protest in Philadelphia at Comcast world headquarters like all the other demonstrators in Philadelphia.  Our lives matter too!!!!!!!

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

I'm very sick of losing service and my bill going up. I guess I'll have to start looking into options for alternatives. $200 plus a month for the service I'm getting now is ridiculous.

Frequent Visitor


19 Messages

4 years ago

Well we get charged for some sort of "sports" package that we NEVER view/used because it is "IN" the preferred or I guess pretty much all packages.  Why do we have to pay for something we do NOT need?  Then they say we are getting some kind of refund because of the Chinese Wuhan virus.  So tell me again, if they have a separate fee for the sports channels why can't anyone OPT OUT?  There is ONLY Comcast coming into this apartment building, we have no other choice and that's where they get all of us.  No dish either, not allowed.  


I remember the days when Comcast did contracts with local units of governments and they said wew have exclusive rights to your residents in your unit.  So no compettion is what they meant.  At that time the politicians should have called that a MONOPOLY but sat on their hands and did nothing.  Then they were allowed to buy a NEWS channel.  Well, why is it that everytime I come to the first page on Xfinity they have a little snippet from MSNBC and not any other NEWS channel?  I thought Comcast claimed they would keep the channel from being FAVORED on their cable infrastructure?  Too many things that are wrong with Comcasts fee structure that only benefit the bigwigs down to the workers.  


I would have NEVER believed I would be paying 250 bucks a month and we are POOR.  How come they don't have a deal for us?  They always add things we will not warch or put the internet speed up a few Mbps and they raise the price on January 1st.  


All we need is channels WE want to watch, not the channels THEY want us to watch, HOME phone, we have NO CELL PHONE BY THE WAY, and the internet.  But we can't get the speed of the internet if we get rid of things.   


They have a SET PRICE per month they want out of people?   I talked with a rep online chat in Twitter and got the bare minimum TV, no unlimited phone and kept the fast internet speed.  Mind you we are paying 250 bucks a month.  The change to what I just listed would have saved us 10 FREAKING DOLLARS.  Imagine that!   They are the only ones we can get and they KNOW most people realize that so they have us over a barrel.  I bet there are a heckuva lot of people who feel the same way, they don't want mega numbers of channels but in order to get a deal (which is NOT a deal) on everything else you have to buy their I AM A RICH PERSON package.  When the Comcast bill is higher than BOTH an electric and phone bill you have to start wondering.  


They have become SCAMMY in their relentless pursuit of MONEY because NOBODY SAYS a word.  TIRED OF GETTING RIPPED OFF FOR THINGS WE DO NOT AND NEVER WATCH.

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