

1 Message

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 10:31 AM


INSP channel 244 Broward county, Florida

Good morning to whom it may concern here in Broward county we’ve had the channel INSP on channel number 244 for the past 3 1/2 years. Last night, even though the channel menu is showing INSP at the bottom of the name of the western in the middle of the screen it says not authorized/inspirational network 

Can you please tell us where INSP has gone and how I can get it back because my mom really enjoys watching the western shows and movies.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

... INSP ... not authorized ...

Same here in South-Central PA. Suddenly, with no notice, the INSP channel is "subscription required", even though https://www.xfinity.com/learn/channel-lineup-bundles still shows it as included with "Limited Basic/Choice".

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ETA: The "lineup" page for my area has (finally!) been updated to indicate that INSP is no longer included with Limited Basic.

       Also there was note about the change in my bill dated 03/05/2023:

TV Update: On April 11, 2023, the following channel changes will occur: INSP and INSP HD will move from Limited Basic to Entertainment and Expanded Basic ...

ETA: My bill dated 08/05/2023 included this note:

TV Update: Effective September 26, 2023, INSP will move from the Extra, Popular and Entertainment Genre Pack to More Sports and Entertainment.




88 Messages

2 years ago

We noticed this on our TV also.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with our outdated TV box--we still have the silver remotes--that we might be forced to upgrade with an "equipment swap."
On a separate thread, I read: 
"At this time, the equipment swap ... only impacts Video On Demand services including any Subscription On Demand services. However, without the update, there could be other features that you lose in the future as we continue to make improvements." -XfinityTimothy , Official Employee

I WAS ABLE TO GET THE INSP CHANNEL USING XFINITY STREAM on an Amazon Firestick, but I still like watching TV the old-fashioned way--turning on the TV and pressing numbers to go to a channel--so I'll be disappointed if/when we have to navigate "apps" to watch live TV.
I'm curious, "BruceW" and "user_527532," do you also have "legacy" boxes?



88 Messages

Edit/update to my comment above.
We ended up swapping our boxes for the "free upgrade," so we officially have X1 now and thankfully we don't see "Apps" when the TV powers on.
We can still turn on the TV and press a number to go to a channel--the only difference is that we have to push Enter/OK after the number.
The absence of the "Last" or "Prev" button is the most annoying, but otherwise the switch has been fine and we can watch and record INSP shows on our TV now.
I decided to make the switch using CHAT and it turned into kind of a mess, so I can't say for sure if a "free upgrade" is possible or if they will make you change your plan because the "grandfathered" ones may not work with the new boxes.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

Hi @bruelas Thanks for teh update. Glad to know you have X1 now. Did you have any other questions or concerns about your account we can help with? 

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Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

... do you also have "legacy" boxes?

I should have said: my main set uses a CableCard Tivo. But the channel is also "subscription required" on the Stream app on Roku and on my Samsung TV, as well as on the browser streaming site https://www.xfinity.com/stream/. If I click on the channel logo there I get:

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1 Message

2 years ago

From what I have found out they moved it to another tier so you have to upgrade I am in the Chicago area experiencing the same thing I watched that channel diligently now it is gone their response is speaking to the Xfinity remote and ask for westerns cuz I'm certainly not paying any more than what I already pay

13 Messages

This just happened to me today 😔  too bad the listed westerns don't include the majority of the ones watched on INSP.  I'm furious. 

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

I just discovered the following in my bill dated 03/05/2023:

TV Update: On April 11, 2023, the following channel changes will occur: INSP and INSP HD will move from Limited Basic to Entertainment and Expanded Basic and INSP HD will move from channel 1655 to channel 1431 ...

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88 Messages

@BruceW​ That's annoying. I looked at my past bills and see no mention of this, so I'm wondering if I'll be able to watch on TV if I upgrade equipment.
In the meantime, any Western channel recommendations (shows, not movies, free or paid)? Good luck!

New Poster


4 Messages

You are right ,no info at all on are bills for this drop of Channel,was the only channel on cable worth watching .That.s why they did this .I think that Ill just drop them and I hope every one else does the same .



88 Messages

1 year ago

FYI, I just saw this on my statement:

  • TV Update: Effective September 26, 2023, INSP will move from Extra, Popular, Digital Starter and Entertainment Genre Pack to More Sports and Entertainment.
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