westsideschl1's profile

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13 Messages

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 5:02 PM


How to remove program from "My List" (used to be called "Favorites")

Up until 1/1/22 you had the option in your Xfinity button list of saved programs something called "Favorites" (now called "My List"). With that phrase change Xfinity stupidly removed the quick/easy visual option to "Remove Favorite". Now, to do that you need to cryptically click on the "√" box which then changes to a "+" sign thus removing the saved program. Dumb!

Official Employee


553 Messages

3 years ago

Hello @westsideschl1, thanks for reaching out for help on our forums! Here are the instructions to remove programs from your favorites as well https://comca.st/3rL3XfM

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13 Messages

3 years ago

Hello! Did you read my comment? The site you sent me to is the old "Remove Favorites" site no longer being used and now replaced by the cryptic check "√" box thus when clicked on changes to the equally cryptic "+" symbol thus removing the favorite. 

Official Employee


553 Messages

Thanks for the reply! We will certainly pass along feedback about the recent change to removing favorite on your X1 device. Never hesitate to create another public post for any of your future account and service needs!

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