1 Message
Hi I take care of my mother doesn't have a lot of money he's been a customer for a long time we just paid off the NBA league pass and all she does is sit in bed she's very sick so I came down here to take care of her she's dying to get HBO Max and it's too expensive is there any way you can give us some kind of a discount on it I'll give it to us for a month or two or something so she can watch it you always say thank you for being a customer or platinum customer can't you do something for us regarding that. I know there's an app that has rewards but never movie channels or anything like since all my mother does is watch TV can you give us some kind of deal on HBO Max she loves the shows on there and just can't afford it right now medical bills etc if you can that be great and if you can't I understand business is business thank you very much
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
2 months ago
user_bsre6w thank you for using the Xfinity Community Forums page to reach out today regarding HBO Max. I understand that you take care of your mother and that is a beautiful thing. I used to assist my grandmother years ago, and I know just how much goes into being there for family members so that is not something we take for granted. HBO Max is a pretty cool streaming platform with access to some popular shows such as Game of Thrones. I am happy to see what options we have to get this added for you both. Please send me a direct message with your full name and complete service address to get started. Also include the full name of the account owner for us as well.
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