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Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 7:20 PM



Just discovered that you can set the page up/page down buttons to whatever time interval you like!!  I had supposed they were limited to the 30 secs forward, 15 seconds rewind, which allows you a net advance of 15 seconds, which used to be good between pitches, but the new  pitch clock rules make that unworkable. So I successfully changed it to 26/13 seconds which seems to work perfectly.

Here's how you do it, using 30/15 as an example (just ignore anything that pops up on your screen, and there are no prompts):

1) Press exit 3 times

2) Enter. 0030 (which gives you 30 secs FF or 15 secs RWD - but enter any even number you want)

I assume you could set it up to 98/49 MINUTES, etc. if you want by entering 9800?

I've been suggesting this for years, and I guess it's been there all along. It's very helpful Xfinity phone support guy discovered this when I found that a replacement X one box went forward and back five minutes! It also skipped over three runs scored in the game. Apparently you can change the interval as many times as you like, according to a pitcher's or a quarterback's rhythms.  Enjoy.

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