Frequent Visitor
8 Messages
What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!
Frequent Visitor
8 Messages
What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
5 years ago
As noted in other posts, FETV was PAYING Comcast to use a LEASED channel. In some areas, there were not enough viewers to make it practical to continue paying for the lease, so they let it lapse and the channel was removed.
New Poster
1 Message
5 years ago
This is killing me!! I turn this channel on every morning as soon as I get up at 6am and leave it on all day (often just for my cat while I'm gone to work). I love the wholesome shows that remind me of my childhood and am deeply saddened and dissapointed. When we chose Xfinity I specifically chose a plan that inlcuded FETV. I sincerely hope they will get enough feedback to work with the channel to get it back. Honestly, I would pay $5 a month to get the channel as I watch it more than any other channel. I need my Hazel, I Dream of Jeannie, Wild West and others!!!
New Poster
1 Message
5 years ago
Any chance of them coming back? Absolutley love the old shows. Alos was really disappointed when TCM left.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
Frequent Visitor
8 Messages
5 years ago
Yea TCM used to be included in the lower tier channel packages now it's way up there. Bummer and for FETV as well and the others you mentioned.
Regular Visitor
2 Messages
5 years ago
They pay Comcast/Xfinity?? Are you kidding me? Doesn't Comcast make enough off their customers? For the rates we're charged, I feel we (customers/viewers) should have some say in our programming content. I love this channel. Granted, many of the shows are older than me, but this channel had so many great programs! My guilty pleasure was The Monkees. It used to be on at 6am Saturdays for 2 hrs. Then it moved to 3am for 1 hour. I set my alarm to get up to watch. Then last night I find out FETV was replaced by religious programming. I literally felt my heart sink. I was hoping it was a mistake. (This is a "revenue generator"? Doubt it.) I dont usually voice my opinion, but, come on Comcast/Xfinity/or w/e you want to be called. Throw us a bone, here! Isn't it enough you gouge us with your rates and charge for many On Demand programs (even for shows that aired free)? We want our FETV!
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
5 years ago
FETV is a small network without the weight to try and push cable/satellite to pay them for carriage fees. They rely entirely on ad revenue.
There are many broadcast networks carrying old shows that are often available in many areas: MeTV, Decades, Cozi TV, Antenna TV (name of network, not connecting antenna to your TV), H&I, Grit, and others.
New Poster
5 Messages
5 years ago
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5 years ago
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
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1 Message
5 years ago
FETV was removed from the channle 81 spot and relaced with SBN. Why and why wasn't I notified of the channel change? I live in 98006.
Frequent Visitor
14 Messages
5 years ago
@andyross Very few of those networks are available to people with the lowest, or second-to-lowest cable channel package. And if you don't have an HD cable box, or one of those weird antennas, you can't get the METV or Antenna TV networks. That's why FETV was such a big deal: it was available to most viewers, and had many old shows that people actually liked. Several of the shows FETV offered aren't available anywhere else, even on DVD or Amazon, like The Lone Ranger or Sgt. Preston. Many others, like Perry Mason and T.J. Hooker are available, but you have to pay through the rear-end to buy the entire series in order to watch them.
There is no easy replacent for FETV.
New Poster
1 Message
5 years ago
In Seattle-FETV is also "missing in action". I wish that-for the amount we're paying, they would stop dropping the unexpected upon us....
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
Frequent Visitor
8 Messages
5 years ago
Or could it be Comcast is charging too much for their leased channels or upped the fees too much at renewal. I hear of those situations from time to time. So i wonder what the real story is instead of just blaming FETV only.