@user_gzk39i Hi there! I'm sorry if court TV is no longer showing as an option for your area. I know there are changes frequently, so hopefully it will be brought back. Is there a specific program you enjoyed on that network? We may have is available on another channel or a comparable option available.
Hello user_6vd59a. Court TV is not on any cable services channel lineups. It is primarily a streaming service now. Please go here https://www.courttv.com/where-to-watch/ for more information on where to watch.
I am an Official Xfinity Employee. Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership. We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation. Was your question answered? Please, mark a reply as the Accepted Answer.
Court TV was a local channel carried over the air in your area. The local carrier likely dropped the channel. It's not Comcast's fault. They can't carry a channel that no longer exists there.
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
1 year ago
@user_gzk39i Hi there! I'm sorry if court TV is no longer showing as an option for your area. I know there are changes frequently, so hopefully it will be brought back. Is there a specific program you enjoyed on that network? We may have is available on another channel or a comparable option available.
1 Message
11 months ago
I spend a lot on Xfinity every month. I enjoy it but why can’t we watch court TV or can we?
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
11 months ago
Court TV was a local channel carried over the air in your area. The local carrier likely dropped the channel. It's not Comcast's fault. They can't carry a channel that no longer exists there.