New Poster
35 Messages
Big10 network
WHY has Xfinity stopped responding to paying customers regarding YOUR dispute with the BIG10 Network ? It's Friday afternoon before more blackout games and not one word as to what YOU are doing to rectify this dispute ! We are PAYING FOR THE BIG!) NETWORK and you are refusing to provide us the programming we are PAYING FOR !
Problem Solver
800 Messages
4 months ago
This is Comcast's standard operating procedure, as well as the SOP of every other cable and satellite company that has ever gone through this (for example, what DirecTV is currently going through with ABC/ESPN), not to mention every company on the other side of this (have you heard a word from Fox, owners of Big Ten Network, about this?) Don't expect either side to say a word before this is resolved. As for how long it will take, why don't you ask the people with Xfinity who have ACC Network how long it took to get that channel?
One thing is certain: Comcast is not simply going to give Fox whatever it wants, especially if it's, "Put Big Ten Network on your 'standard' package everywhere in the USA" (otherwise why are the west coast teams blacked out of a significant number of cities - e.g. Denver, Sacramento - where there are no Big Ten teams?); remember, Comcast has to pay for every household that can get the channel, whether or not anyone there will ever actually watch it.
146 Messages
4 months ago
I think BTN wants to be like SECN, SECN is never a sports pack add on... no matter where u are