

2 Messages

Monday, January 10th, 2022 9:17 PM


ACC Network EXTRA Issue

As Xfinity customers we had to use Hulu for the past couple of years to watch events on the ACC network. We also used HULU as the provider for ACCN Extra events streaming them through ESPN+ app. We were able to watch "regular" ACC network and the ACCN Extra (streaming) services without problems. Now that Xfinity has the deal with ACC network we cancelled Hulu membership. We are able to watch the ACC Network without problems on all devices. However, the problem is trying to view the ACCN Extra (non-TV) events. Since we have changed the "TV Provider" back to Xfinity on the ESPN+ streaming app we cannot watch ACCN Extra events. On our Firestick for the television we receive an error message saying ACCN Extra service is not available through our provider based on our subscription. That is false.  When we try on a PC or Ipad we are able to go to the ACCN Extra event and but when we click the play button nothing happens. 

I have been in contact with Xfinity via DMs and everyone keeps telling me I can watch ACC Network on the xfinity streaming app....BUT that is not the problem. The primary ACC Network channel is working fine wherever we chose to watch. It is the ACCN Extra (streaming only) events that we cannot access. 

In talking with ESPN support they say it is a Xfinity issue...obviously but I am not sure where the issue is...and honestly we seem to have two issues.  On the PC and Ipad I'd argue its ESPN application problem as we can get to the events just cannot play them...for our firestick the error message of no subscription would seem to be an Xfinity issue?!?!

Is this simply your two companies not yet learning to play nice?!?  



1 Message

3 years ago

I have the same problem

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