3 Messages
Unreturned equipment charge scam
I canceled Xfinity internet service in January. I was then sent a bill for $120 for unreturned equipment. I was informed this is for a Flex device. I think I received this a couple years ago free from Xfinity. I was never told it was to be returned if I ever cancelled. I never used it. Can't even say for sure I received it back then. I do not know what to do. I do not have the device and I can't pay, nor do I think I should have to pay the $120 equipment charge. Is this device really $120 new? I feel taken advantage of.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
10 months ago
@hh1368hh Thanks for your post and your feedback. The Flex box was free as in no monthly fee, but yes if you canceled your service the equipment would need to be returned or as you are seeing you would be charged a fee for not returning it. Since you do not know where the equipment is you are liable for the unreturned equipment.
109K Messages
10 months ago
The concern is not "Xfinity Compliments" related......................... Topic moved here to the proper help section.
1 Message
7 months ago
I also have the exact same situation, It was never disclosed that this "free streaming box" needed to be returned, it is a very deceptive offer. I think this needs to be specified in the agreement, however it is not listed anywhere.
1 Message
5 months ago
I to have same situation, however I have equipment me, can I return equipment and get refund
1 Message
4 months ago
I am having the same problem. I was told it was free and have been charged for the last year 20 dollars every month. Only difference is i have had the service and still do. I contacted customer service and they took the charges off for 2 months now this month they have added them back.