1 Message
Misrepresentation of Deals
For 3 hours on Xfinity Assistant, I was offered a deal by 5 different agents (I kid you not) and all of them (knowing I am a long time customer) confirmed and had me agree to terms on this deal, only to then randomly put me through to a new representative. This had to be the most insane interaction I have ever had. And when I tried to email them my complaint, they gave me the wrong email address. When I called they refused to give me to a supervisor and simply gave me the run around. Is this common? I am literally telling you the very short version of this insanity. It is 10x more absurd than I am presenting here. If someone has a direct link to someone at Xfinity that can actually help a person, let me know!
Official Employee
711 Messages
1 day ago
Good evening @user_z42o6s. Thanks for taking the time to post here your report your recent experience. If you could please send our team a direct message with your full name, full address, and some more details about what happened, we can assist.
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