30 Messages
I'VE HAD ENOUGH - Price Gouging By Xfinity/Comcast
Every friend/stranger/literally everyone that I've ever told how much I am paying for Xfinity/Comcast has told me I am absolutely crazy for paying $318 for Cable TV, Land Line and 1200 gb Wi-Fi and I totally agree. Recently they upped the cost again and I'm just fed up. I've since talked to so many chat reps, advanced tech, loyalty desk. . .to no avail. Most chat reps will tell you anything just to get you to not leave the company, you rarely get a human and if you do, they're out of the country and hard to understand with roosters crowing in the background! It went from $289 to $318 recently and then some chat rep promised I could go back to $289 for the same services I have now but also for Xfinity Complete with extra pods. . .and when I said how do I get the new box and pods, they had some lame excuse about Xfinity watching my data usage and how things work throughout my home for 14 days. I don't need or want someone monitoring my home for 14 days, I've since figured out they don't really do it for any reason other than to see how much data you use and what you watch. I have cameras and that's my security but also I DO NOT WANT TO PAY $289 anyway. They said I had a promotion which fell off at the very same time as the ridiculous increase, just more lies! My contract expired much earlier in 2023. I've been a customer of Xfinity/Comcast since before it was Xfinity, it was Time Warner. Loyalty obviously gets you nowhere in this company, new customers pay so much less than I pay or even have been offered. I am done and if something doesn't change immediately, I will change to something else. I briefly tired ATT Uverse for a month when my house caught on fire and had to be fixed, went right back to Comcast and clearly, they could care less. I am a senior with a son who has disabilities and trying to pay these crazy bills. Comcast should be ashamed. Not only for using lying out of the country reps but for the fact no one even told me my bill was increasing. In fact, it was just the opposite, I was told I was getting a discount for having my auto pay to my bank account - I had that already. I don't even attempt to call again, you cannot get a human or you get a human after an hour long wait and conversation with a robot and you're lied to, no thanks!!
Official Employee
790 Messages
1 year ago
@Kat2CC Thanks for the feedback, we understand price is important. Autopay is only one of the many discounts offered, such as multi product discounts and discounts for having Xfinity Mobile. If the current promotions are too expensive, downgrading the service to something more affordable is always helpful to save money. That will keep you with the same reliability you can count on with Xfinity, and the service you need in the home. The xFi Complete package does perform a two week review of the connection and drops the home has those two weeks. There isn't anyone watching what the home does online. If there are many disconnections, the system will recommend a free Pod through the xFi Complete package. You can purchase them here though! That way you don't have to worry about anything regarding your network or it being checked for disconnections. Purchase and add the to your network easily through the Xfinity app! We also have many promotions that keep a discounted price for another year, once the promotional price expires. That is common, and helps customers keep the same service without having to call in again. That means the price can change after the promotion expires, and then revert to the daily price of service, a year after. Hope that helps you be confident and obtain a new promotion!
31.2K Messages
1 year ago
"no one even told me my bill was increasing"
If you read your billing statement every month, beyond the "how much do I owe" box, you will find notes about your service including any increase in pricing. Comcast isn't going to send you an email telling you about it because it's your responsibility to read your statement every month.
1 Message
11 months ago
I thought I paid a lot for Xfinity. I pay about $200/month. Looking into other options as I am paying for things that o don’t use and the don’t give the option to remove from the plan. Xfinity is a ripoff!
3 Messages
10 months ago
Its not even worth connecting customer service they will not do anything to help lower your bill at all. except down grade your service ,no special perks for loyal customers. and if you try to remove a service to lower the bill all they do is remove your discount on some stuff and bam bill is back high again with less service than you started with. ontop of all this [Edited: "Language"] when you chat or call customer service everyone is from some 3rd world country that dont speak english or understand anything. you have to call or talk to 10 different agent to maybe they might do there job to solve your problem.. at one point does the government step and stop all these bleeding . this has just become robbery right in your face..
11 Messages
10 months ago
Wow Kurtis... I am so sorry. [Edited: "Inflammatory"]. They won't change, don't let them string you along! Good luck finding another internet/cable company!
6 Messages
7 months ago
Here is our experience. We had the triple play, which what was xfinity was pushing two years ago. Monthly was $226. At the end of the promotion, it jumped to $266. We've been with comcast/xfinity for 20 plus years. All payments on time. Contacted xfinity for a new contract/promotion. No deal. Sorry, bud, but you are now stuck paying the higher amount. Thanks, xfinity. Love your treatment of loyal, long time customers. So, I contacted again by chat and the agent agreed to reduce the cost to $250. However, they dropped our DVR service without telling us. Ugh!! Another hour on chat line and they finally agreed to waive the cost for adding DVR recording back in. However, again without telling us, they reduced the recording time from 150 hrs to 20 hrs. Also, the change totally [Edit: Language] up our DVR box. Took the evening to get this sorted out. So, supposedly, we now have a contract for one year. Will have to go through this all again in 12 months. Xfinity equipment, interned, etc is decent. But pricing and customer support is terrible. Deceptive, incompetent. When a competing company sets up in our neighborhood, good bye xfinity. And I won't be alone.
1 Message
7 months ago
They are not honoring the original deal that was shown to me and I'm on a slightly more expensive one now as well. Had a reduced price forn2 years. Now it's only one year and 5$ more expensive for that year. For the 10$ off a month it was never listed that a bank account was required for the full 10$ in the FINE LINES and was tact on afterwards during contract signing. Only paperless and auto payset up. Seems like a Very predatory company and will be immediately switching away once any one gets in my area.
1 Message
7 months ago
The really interesting thing about Xfinity and their price gouging is how easy it is to upgrade service online but trying to explore downgrade options is not possible. I am totally sick of the service and am seeking alternatives right now
5 Messages
7 months ago
I'm having the same experience.
3 - Chats with agents and problem still not resolved.
1 - Phone call with a lady named "Barbie" that couldn't speak English.
The only thing I see on all Xfinty website pages is
There’s an order that is being processed.
You'll have limited options to change this order.
This has been going on for 2 weeks. Bring support back to the USA!
6 Messages
7 months ago
Almost $290 this month for a relatively basic package. Absurd!
3 Messages
7 months ago
[Edited: Inflammatory]. I cant grasp the concept on why we have to pay for rental on boxes and modems for a service we are paying them every month. why do new customers get to pay half the price while loyal customers they do nothing about it. and if you try to drop a package they just raise the cost of your exisiting services so you never win. home phone 40.00 bucks a month for viop service is nuts when you can get any viop service for free in some cases. hoping for more competition to arrive in the market so we can switch out ..
6 Messages
7 months ago
We are generally pleased with xfinity service. Internet, TV, phone all work well. We rent all the equipment so easy to exchange when something fails. However, like many on this thread, I despise their pricing strategies. Every year or two, our promotion "expires," resulting in significant increases in our monthly bills. In turn, this necessitates that we barter with their agents to find a new "promotion" to bring the price back down. I am so tired of this annual routine. Moreover, it is confusing -- often not sure if current services will be maintained in the new package. The routine is time consuming, disrespectful to long-time customers and out of sync with other technology providers. For example, we have family wide cell phone service through ATT. Our monthly bills are stable, no significant increases for years. We have home security through Ring -- again, no price significant increases.
Lately, xfinity reps have been pushing that we move our cell phone service and home security to them. NOT A CHANCE. Why would we expose ourselves to the absurd cycle of price increase-barter-promotion-price increase-barter-promotion-price increase-barter-promotion-.... etc to more services than absolutely needed?
Xfinity, I know of no-one who likes your pricing schemes. To the contrary, your customers despise it. You need to abandon the "promotions" and instead have simple a la carte pricing for all of your services with stable monthly costs that don't require renegotiation.
1 Message
7 months ago
Xfinitys greed is shameful and it’s now every man for himself