Kat2CC's profile



30 Messages

Friday, January 26th, 2024 1:26 AM


I'VE HAD ENOUGH - Price Gouging By Xfinity/Comcast

Every friend/stranger/literally everyone that I've ever told how much I am paying for Xfinity/Comcast has told me I am absolutely crazy for paying $318 for Cable TV, Land Line and 1200 gb Wi-Fi and I totally agree. Recently they upped the cost again and I'm just fed up. I've since talked to so many chat reps, advanced tech, loyalty desk. . .to no avail. Most chat reps will tell you anything just to get you to not leave the company, you rarely get a human and if you do, they're out of the country and hard to understand with roosters crowing in the background! It went from $289 to $318 recently and then some chat rep promised I could go back to $289 for the same services I have now but also for Xfinity Complete with extra pods. . .and when I said how do I get the new box and pods, they had some lame excuse about Xfinity watching my data usage and how things work throughout my home for 14 days. I don't need or want someone monitoring my home for 14 days, I've since figured out they don't really do it for any reason other than to see how much data you use and what you watch. I have cameras and that's my security but also I DO NOT WANT TO PAY $289 anyway. They said I had a promotion which fell off at the very same time as the ridiculous increase, just more lies! My contract expired much earlier in 2023. I've been a customer of Xfinity/Comcast since before it was Xfinity, it was Time Warner. Loyalty obviously gets you nowhere in this company, new customers pay so much less than I pay or even have been offered. I am done and if something doesn't change immediately, I will change to something else. I briefly tired ATT Uverse for a month when my house caught on fire and had to be fixed, went right back to Comcast and clearly, they could care less. I am a senior with a son who has disabilities and trying to pay these crazy bills. Comcast should be ashamed. Not only for using lying out of the country reps but for the fact no one even told me my bill was increasing. In fact, it was just the opposite, I was told I was getting a discount for having my auto pay to my bank account - I had that already. I don't even attempt to call again, you cannot get a human or you  get a human after an hour long wait and conversation with a robot and you're lied to, no thanks!! 


Official Employee


790 Messages

1 year ago

@Kat2CC  Thanks for the feedback, we understand price is important. Autopay is only one of the many discounts offered, such as multi product discounts and discounts for having Xfinity Mobile. If the current promotions are too expensive, downgrading the service to something more affordable is always helpful to save money. That will keep you with the same reliability you can count on with Xfinity, and the service you need in the home. The xFi Complete package does perform a two week review of the connection and drops the home has those two weeks. There isn't anyone watching what the home does online. If there are many disconnections, the system will recommend a free Pod through the xFi Complete package. You can purchase them here though https://www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/wifi/xfi-pod! That way you don't have to worry about anything regarding your network or it being checked for disconnections. Purchase and add the to your network easily through the Xfinity app! We also have many promotions that keep a discounted price for another year, once the promotional price expires. That is common, and helps customers keep the same service without having to call in again. That means the price can change after the promotion expires, and then revert to the daily price of service, a year after. Hope that helps you be confident and obtain a new promotion!




30 Messages

I've tried all of the above - my point is the chat rep I spoke to last told me "I was getting pods with XFi Complete at no additional cost. Also the cost would be $289". The emails I received from Xfinity told me if I had my bill auto deducted - (I've had my bill automatically deducted for a couple years now) I'd get a $10 discount and "be sure to look for that discount starting this month"!! Fluff emails instead of telling me I'm getting an increase!! And I didn't ask for Xfi Complete or pods. . .I absolutely don't want to purchase them. I don't like being lied to and then they want me to review them, I disconnected because I'd rather do that than give them a "bad review" but there's no reason to lie. I simply called to see how to lower this bill.

Tired of the price increases - even though I've had the service for 25 years. I expect a increases with anything especially in this economy but to be paying $318 for cable, wifi, and a land line I don't even want is too much. I ask about dropping it and they tell me to keep it because it will cost more if I drop it! Crazy responses. I guess I'm just trying to warn other customers that loyalty is completely meaningless. I will downgrade or cut out the service entirely. Most of my friends and coworkers I've spoken to about the enormous cost have already dropped Xfinity/Comcast and gone to T-Mobile internet/Wi-Fi or Verizon and some are using ISP with Wi-Fi. Any one of those are considerably less expensive and just as good.  I appreciate the responses but none of them have addressed the fact that you can't reach Xfinity without jumping thru all kinds of hoops, and if you chat with the chat reps, you get lied to. This is certainly not the first time I've been lied to by a chat rep. And it takes forever to get through a chat conversation or if you're fortunate to actually talk to a human on the phone, that's another hour of your time and the last few years have done absolutely no good.  


Official Employee


4K Messages

@Kat2CC, we hate to hear you feel this way and I truly apologize for any inconvenience or frustration you have experienced trying to get your concerns addressed. I absolutely understand the importance of having a manageable bill, as well as having the services you want most. I promise my team is here to support you and would love to further address all of your issues/concerns, and see what options we have that better suit your overall needs. We certainly do not want to lose you as a customer, so I would like to assist you further via a Direct Message. Here are the detailed steps to direct message us: 
 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
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 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the To line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
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1 Message

Are you kidding, Xfinity?

What people want is a genuine customer service person, in America, with the authority to rescind price gouging. 

Publish a phone number to well- trained customer service people. 

Official Employee


2.9K Messages

@user_01hgvi I know for myself, I like to save as much money as possible on my bills so I totally get where you're coming from. As a corporate team, I can tell you our options are the same across the board at every level. We are not able to alter promotions, packages or pricing at our discretion in any way and all pricing is set in our systems. I know this isn't the answer you're looking for and for that, I am very sorry. We always will make sure we're offering you the best possible promotions that we have available at any given time. Our priority is to save you as much money as possible when you are reaching out. I would be happy to take a look at your account or if you feel more comfortable and would like to call, you can contact Xfinity by calling 1-800-266-2278.


Here is a link: https://www.xfinity.com/learn/offers with our current promotions if you wanted to take a look. Just make sure you are logged on to your account to see the promotions available for your account.  You can also set up the services directly from the website. 


Please send me a Direct Message with your name and service address so that I can fully dive into this for you! I will leave you instructions on how to initiate the message with us! I look forward to working with you soon!


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4 Messages


hi this is [Edit: PII] I only have Internet I have my own modem I have my Wi-Fi extenders and my Internet should be almost $200 a month just for Internet I don’t get anything else I pay for Netflix Apple TV and Paramount+ so I don’t know what’s going on over there I asked Xfinity to come to my house to check the security issues for the last four months actually it’s been two years but I’ve been waiting for Four months because my accounts been compromised I’ve been waiting for the last month why I haven’t had cellular on my Apple Watch SE please get cellular on my watch cause you guys are charging me for that too there’s been a lot of problems at my house and I’m not getting any help here


Jeanine Kelly 



31.2K Messages

1 year ago


"no one even told me my bill was increasing"

If you read your billing statement every month, beyond the "how much do I owe" box, you will find notes about your service including any increase in pricing.  Comcast isn't going to send you an email telling you about it because it's your responsibility to read your statement every month.




30 Messages

I tried to reply to your snide remarks earlier insinuating I was incapable of reading my bill but for some reason it was deleted. I suggest you try being respectful and kind or at least helpful! The last thing I needed to read was your insensitive response!! I read my bill every month but I get a text/email first, then I have to sign into my account, find the bill, download it to pdf format, look line-by-line for the "surprise increases"!  It's not the first increase in the last few months - and your response has nothing to do with my point about being lied to by chat reps and customer service reps. I get tons of emails from Comcast and since they're sending all the sales and fluff emails, why shouldn't they tell us when we're getting another increase!!! No response from you is needed, in fact, I hope to never get a response from you, ever again. You weren't the least bit helpful. You probably cinched my decision to look elsewhere more than ever. Can't imagine why they would let you comment on a forum!     


Official Employee


2.1K Messages

This is definitely not how we want you to feel. @Kat2CC We would surely miss your business. Please feel free to send us a direct message if you change your mind. We can help.



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1 Message

My xfinity bill is higher than my electric bill and gas bill together... There is no other cable companies that can compete with this horrible company. Our government should put a stop to this rip off cable company and look into why they keep raising their prices. Google chief executive officers salaries. Brian Roberts chairman CEO earned $35.5 million in 2023.... There also more of them . Sure they can afford their cable bill...

1 Message

11 months ago

I thought I paid a lot for Xfinity. I pay about $200/month. Looking into other options as I am paying for things that o don’t use and the don’t give the option to remove from the plan. Xfinity is a ripoff! 

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Our team is able to help, user_s4kdd0. We want your plan to be a perfect fit for your household needs at the lowest possible rate. We will do everything possible to help.

Please send us a direct message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the direct messaging icon located at the top right of this forums page.

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• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
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3 Messages

10 months ago

Its not even worth connecting customer service they will not do anything to help lower your bill at all. except down grade your service ,no special perks for loyal customers. and if you try to remove a service to lower the bill all they do is remove your discount on some stuff and bam bill is back high again with less service than you started with.  ontop of all this [Edited: "Language"] when you chat or call customer service everyone is from some 3rd world country that dont speak english or understand anything. you have to call or talk to 10 different agent to maybe they might do there job to solve your problem..  at one point does the government step and stop all these bleeding . this has just become robbery right in your face.. 




3 Messages

and another that this is [Edited: "Language"] why do we have to rent equipment or buy our own just to use the service we are paying for every month to begin with. that should be xfinity problem not ours we are already getting ripped off with high monthly bills to watch 185 channels that maybe 30 are only even worth watching and they stick us crazy modem and cable box rentals ? come on already.  there are other competitors where they dont charge for rental equipment fyi




30 Messages

@andy1272​ I unfortunately spoke with two different people this morning - one was in a foreign country but she did at least have some tech knowledge. The other was the loyalty department and the crazy thing is after speaking to all these different people, the most they can save me even dropping down to basically local channels, I only save $60 a month - wifi alone is $133+ because they said we couldn't stream or have cameras, computer, phones running without having 1200 gigs+ of wifi!! That seems insane to me but she said it's only $10 less to go down to 1000 gb and another $10 less to go down to 800 gb. The fees charged for sports and tv are approx $70 alone and that's what they get charged so they charge it back to us - I have wasted so much time. My only alternative is to go with someone else entirely. But they said I'd regret it if I went with TMobile $50 or ATT Fiber because they downgrade you on weekends during peak times. I give up, think I'm going to do it anyway. What is the point of saving $60 per month to go down to having only local channels!? No one can watch as many channels as I have but to only watch local channels is ludicrous!   


Official Employee


1.2K Messages

Hello @Kat2CC! We would hate to see you leave and would be more than happy to double-check options to see if we have anything that fits your needs and budget. If you are inclined to do so, 

please send a direct message to us by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your full name and complete street address to get started. Thanks! 


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11 Messages

10 months ago

Wow Kurtis... I am so sorry. [Edited: "Inflammatory"]. They won't change, don't let them string you along! Good luck finding another internet/cable company!




30 Messages

@user_90iwg9​ I'm sure the people with whom I've spoken to are just trying to keep their job and are forced to do exactly as the "script" says but I believe the company itself has become only about the money and I actually understand that. It's a business, they're in it to make money or they wouldn't be in business long but I feel that the fees they're passing onto us, like Sports Service Fees and TV Service fees are excessive and it makes the regular bills add on an additional $70 per month - these are fees that came from somewhere! Not Xfinity/Comcast, it's fees passed onto us they have to pay. I've spoken to other people who explained that in the last couple of days. I also have security cameras which causes them to say I need the most expensive gb of wi-fi and so expensive - $133+ alone just for Internet/wifi!! I guess I need to lower my security expectations along with our only source of entertainment - watching television every now and then! We can't afford to do anything else when paying $318 to Xfinity monthly, lol!! I mean it's funny but not really! 




31.2K Messages

@Kat2CC it's not just Comcast.  These extra fees show up in other ISPs as well, boosting the bottom $$$ line.  But, they are fees that Comcast has to pay, too, in order to keep bringing entertainment to customers.  And it's not just the carriage fees or the sports fees.  We can't really expect to pay bare bones minimum and have quality programming and infrastructure on the level the is being rolled out.  Laying and maintaining fiber costs, and the people that put it down and maintain it have to eat, too, and feed and clothe families as well as maintain vehicles.  We're all stuck in the "entitled" part of our lives, myself included, and we forget about what comfort costs.

When you break down what you pay a month for Comcast/Xfinity services you're actually not paying as much as you could be.  Take your internet bill, without fees, and divide it by 30 days.  Do the same for your cable bill.  Then think about the tech that comes out to do work if something goes wrong, or those techs that have to be out in inclement weather to make sure your service is back up and running as quickly as possible, and what you pay per day is so minimal for their lively hood.  Yes, there are millions more that also pay varying amounts, but Comcast/Xfinity has thousands of employees that have to be paid.  I wish I could make my bill lower, but I'm selfish and want to watch channels that aren't in the basic package, so I pay more for my entertainment.  It is what it is.

I'm sorry, I'm not really picking on you personally.  I'm just trying to point out things that we seldom think about and take for granted.  Price gouged?  I don't think so.  Hey, we all could still be paying for dial up!  😉


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4 Messages

Xfinity would drop service at least 3x a week for me. They more than doubled my internet cost. I changed to a competitor, who has just as good of service, if not better for 1/2 the cost. They also don't tell me one thing and then bill me for something else like xfinity bases their company on. It is price gouging and fraud. They should be in serious legal trouble for the things they do. I will happily participate with the screenshots I have. 

6 Messages

I agree with you. Xfinity is a racket. The cost is absolutely ridiculous. We pay around $250 for basic cable, Netflix, phone, and internet. At best, they'll offer you less for slightly less money, and then eventually raise the price of your "lesser package" to what you were already paying. I can only imagine how much people are paying who have more premium channels than the single one that we subscribe to. 

New Poster


7 Messages

@Again​ A competitor in my area offers faster internet for half the price, and they have a good reputation. Xfinity is most definitely gouging customers.

6 Messages

7 months ago

Here is our experience. We had the triple play, which what was xfinity was pushing two years ago. Monthly was $226. At the end of the promotion, it jumped to $266. We've been with comcast/xfinity for 20 plus years. All payments on time. Contacted xfinity for a new contract/promotion. No deal. Sorry, bud, but you are now stuck paying the higher amount. Thanks, xfinity. Love your treatment of loyal, long time customers. So, I contacted again by chat and the agent agreed to reduce the cost to $250. However, they dropped our DVR service without telling us. Ugh!! Another hour on chat line and they finally agreed to waive the cost for adding DVR recording back in. However, again without telling us, they reduced the recording time from 150 hrs to 20 hrs. Also, the change totally [Edit: Language] up our DVR box. Took the evening to get this sorted out. So, supposedly, we now have a contract for one year. Will have to go through this all again in 12 months. Xfinity equipment, interned, etc is decent. But pricing and customer support is terrible. Deceptive, incompetent. When a competing company sets up in our neighborhood, good bye xfinity. And I won't be alone.


Official Employee


2K Messages


user_45elvv Thanks for posting on our Community Forums and for sharing your recent experience. I'm sorry to hear it took a couple of tries to get the rate squared away. I understand why you're feeling frustrated with the process. Unfortunately, we are not able to proactively reach out to customers when the contract is expiring. But we will notify you on your statement online or through our Xfinity App. We also review our offers often. We might have other rate options coming up. Feel free to visit us online. You can check what rates are available at any time by visiting our Xfinity Website


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14 Messages

that is not incompetence, it’s manager approved harassment, they shut you up with a small discount only to bite you somewhere else, it’s greed and it’s coming from the top


1 Message

7 months ago

They are not honoring the original deal that was shown to me and I'm on a slightly more expensive one now as well. Had a reduced price forn2 years. Now it's only one year and 5$ more expensive for that year. For the 10$ off a month it was never listed that a bank account was required for the full 10$ in the FINE LINES and was tact on afterwards during contract signing. Only paperless and auto payset up. Seems like a Very predatory company and will be immediately switching away once any one gets in my area.  

6 Messages

@XfinityDilary To your point "I'm sorry to hear it took a couple of tries to get the rate squared away." We are NOT squared away. The agent who set up our new contract said that ALL of our previous services would be maintained, but at $250 per month. You can check the chat transcripts associated with our account. This turned out to be false. The agent deleted our DVR storage service. It was previously at 150 hrs. Now, after hours of wrangling with Xfinity service reps, it's restored to 20 hrs. If Xfinity wants to just do the minimum -- simply maintain what was promised -- they should restore storage to 150 hrs but without increasing our monthly charge. To your other point "we are not able to proactively reach out to customers when the contract is expiring," sure you are. It would be totally easy for Xfinity to send an automatic notice in advance of an expiring contract. But your business people obviously feel that it's more profitable to do otherwise. 

Official Employee


2K Messages

I appreciate your feedback, user_45elvv. We can take a look at the account and help with your billing concern. Could you please send our team a Direct Message with your name and service address? Our team take a further look at this issue.


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6 Messages

@XfinityDilary I'm signed in but to not see a "Direct Messaging chat" icon. Can you provide more detail, be more specific?

Official Employee


2K Messages


user_45elvv I would check your settings on the website. You might have the Opt Out from Direct Messaging checked as enabled. 


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6 Messages

@XfinityDilary Where do I turn off the Opt Out? Some instructions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Follow up - never mind. I figured out the Direct Messaging. It's on the Forums page, not our account page. Message sent.

We will see if Xfinity does the right thing, honors the commitment the agent made to us.


1 Message

7 months ago

The really interesting thing about Xfinity and their price gouging is how easy it is to upgrade service online but trying to explore downgrade options is not possible. I am totally sick of the service and am seeking alternatives right now

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Good evening @user_w6og9w, and thank you for reaching out on our Community Forums, we appreciate your feedback and understand where your frustrations are coming from. I see that you are trying to explore downgrade options and our team can help with that. 


To get started, may we please have your first and last name along with the service address on the account? To send a "Direct Message" ("Private") message:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

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  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send it


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5 Messages

7 months ago

I'm having the same experience.
3 - Chats with agents and problem still not resolved.
1 - Phone call with a lady named "Barbie" that couldn't speak English.

The only thing I see on all Xfinty website pages is

There’s an order that is being processed.

You'll have limited options to change this order.

This has been going on for 2 weeks. Bring support back to the USA!

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

user_39v9rm thank you for reaching out, I would be happy to assist you with your account order concerns.

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5 Messages

This problem was never resolved, because unfortunately I HAVE to pay for the following that I DO NOT WANT OR NEED

LAN LINE - $40/mo

Kids & Family - $10.00/mo

Sports and News - $30.00/mo

Entertainment - $17.00/mo


6 Messages

7 months ago

Almost $290 this month for a relatively basic package. Absurd!

5 Messages

Mine is to to $320/mo



3 Messages

7 months ago

[Edited: Inflammatory]. I cant grasp the concept on why we have to pay for rental on boxes and modems for a service we are paying them every month. why do new customers get to pay half the price while loyal customers they do nothing about it. and if you try to drop a package they just raise the cost of your exisiting services so you never win. home phone 40.00 bucks a month for viop service is nuts when you can get any viop service for free in some cases. hoping for more competition to arrive in the market so we can switch out ..


Official Employee


1.8K Messages


andy1272 Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here on our Community Forum. We will be happy to take a look at your account and see what we can do for you. Please send us a Direct Message with your full name and address. Here are instructions on how to send us a DM in case you need them:

 Click "Sign In" if necessary
  • Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send your message


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14 Messages

@andy1272​ get your own modem from craigslist or facebook marketplace, it will save you some money 



24 Messages

@user_gc2347​ If you go over 1024GB of bandwidth per month, it is cheaper to lease their modem for $25/xFi COmplete, versus paying $30/mo for unlimited data, though



31.2K Messages


@andy1272​ get your own modem from craigslist or facebook marketplace, it will save you some money 

That's not always such a good idea.  Most of those will be Comcast owned so it's just better to go buy one of your own.  Comcast does not sell their modems.

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14 Messages

Simply look for items with the word 'unlocked' in description. They will work fine. For example, you can get a futureproof Arris S33 for less than $100. [Edited: "Soliciting"]


6 Messages

7 months ago

We are generally pleased with xfinity service. Internet, TV, phone all work well. We rent all the equipment so easy to exchange when something fails. However, like many on this thread, I despise their pricing strategies. Every year or two, our promotion "expires,"  resulting in significant increases in our monthly bills. In turn, this necessitates that we barter with their agents to find a new "promotion" to bring the price back down. I am so tired of this annual routine. Moreover, it is confusing -- often not sure if current services will be maintained in the new package. The routine is time consuming, disrespectful to long-time customers and out of sync with other technology providers. For example, we have family wide cell phone service through ATT. Our monthly bills are stable, no significant increases for years. We have home security through Ring -- again, no price significant increases. 

Lately, xfinity reps have been pushing that we move our cell phone service and home security to them. NOT A CHANCE. Why would we expose ourselves to the absurd cycle of price increase-barter-promotion-price increase-barter-promotion-price increase-barter-promotion-.... etc to more services than absolutely needed?

Xfinity, I know of no-one who likes your pricing schemes. To the contrary, your customers despise it. You need to abandon the "promotions" and instead have simple a la carte pricing for all of your services with stable monthly costs that don't require renegotiation.



30 Messages

@user_45elvv​ Perfectly stated! For all the frustrated customers of Xfinity/Comcast who have commented on this and other forums, I for one wholeheartedly agree - and for the last couple of years, there are no promotions, even with a lengthy contract. It's either pay or return all the equipment and go somewhere else and pray you're not continually charged or penalized like many others I've read about who were charged well after they stopped using the service all together and then sent to collections!!! I'm still trying to move away from it or speak to someone that can get a reasonable price for reasonable Wi-Fi and even the most basic tv. Now TV will not work on most televisions but you don't find that out until you Google it! And yes, why on earth would any of us switch to their cell phone service when we're constantly having to deal with the predatory practices and constant barrage of increased prices. And for the life of me, I can't reach a human in the US with some kind of knowledge or authority unless I throw a child-like fit and spend hours chatting, calling, on hold or have them call me back. . . I am about to switch! My neighbors have told me about other services in my area they love and pay 1/4th of what I am paying.      


Official Employee


2K Messages


Kat2CC We are always happy to assist you here when looking over your pricing concerns. I would be happy to help in any way I can to help get you the best pricing I have to offer. 

Can you send us a direct message with your full name, name of account holder (if different), and service address please?

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1 Message

I’m done with Xfinity also. My bill is $320/month. They are completely pricing themselves out of the market. Going to Frontier fiber optic with YouTube TV for $120/month. I never liked Frontier because of the customer support but no choice at this point, especially since Xfinity support is terrible now too. 

14 Messages


You surely make it hard for customers to bother you with requests for assistance. Huge instructions list just to get in touch? What if Xfinity would have to go through the same loops to get our money every month? Wouldn’t like that would you? 

14 Messages

You ask us to type a lot of info just to send you a message or get someone on the phone and then you ask for the same information AGAIN anyway. That should teach us customers to allocate a lot of (usually wasted) time just to look for customer service. 

1 Message

7 months ago

Xfinitys greed is shameful and it’s now every man for himself 

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