

2 Messages

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 2:05 PM


Fox News contract negotiations

​Fox News and Comcast are currently in contract negotiations. As cable customers we all pay over $2 a month for Fox News. They are trying to negotiate a raise upwards of maybe $4 per customer towards our bills. I will not accept a raise in my bill to go towards any type of contract agreement with Fox News. ​

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

how can I not pay for Fox?

Official Employee


974 Messages

1 year ago

Hi there, @user_823f09, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us through our Xfinity Forums. I know price increases can be annoying, but they do help us consistently improve our products and services, strengthen our network, invest in new technology, and cover the rising costs of doing business. Offering packages of channels to our customers, rather than offering channels on an a la carte basis, provides both the widest variety of content and the best value. 

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