

October 11th, 2023

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replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

And it's a problem I don't need. For the second time in the last 3-4 months I've had a huge data spike almost twice my normal usage.  Even more suspicious is the fact that my past months have also doubled in their reported usage, after the fact.  If I had gone over the data cap in those


My usage numbers have returned to normal too.

followed 's post

1 year ago

And it's a problem I don't need. For the second time in the last 3-4 months I've had a huge data spike almost twice my normal usage.  Even more suspicious is the fact that my past months have also doubled in their reported usage, after the fact.  If I had gone over the data cap in those

replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

And it's a problem I don't need. For the second time in the last 3-4 months I've had a huge data spike almost twice my normal usage.  Even more suspicious is the fact that my past months have also doubled in their reported usage, after the fact.  If I had gone over the data cap in those


@XfinityMarcos​   Just like everybody else all my numbers have more than doubled for all previous months including this month. I am not using the app but am logging into the xfinity website to view my usage so the problem is not within the app b


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October 11, 2023

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