

September 13th, 2023

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followed 's post

1 year ago

Why on Earth would xfinity remove INSP network from basic cable and add it to a much more expensive cable package knowing full well it’s mostly the aging among us who enjoyed watching Westerns and such the most? No way am I’m paying more money for shows that are 50 plus years old and that have alrea

commented on 's post

1 year ago

Why on Earth would xfinity remove INSP network from basic cable and add it to a much more expensive cable package knowing full well it’s mostly the aging among us who enjoyed watching Westerns and such the most? No way am I’m paying more money for shows that are 50 plus years old and that have alrea


It is simple. They keep moving channels with older content, because the older generaTion has the hardest time cutting the cord. A good chunk of the content is so old it can be streamed free if you can figure it out..,


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September 13, 2023

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