


March 14th, 2023

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liked 's comment

2 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue -- emails in my inbox from after 2/16/23 are vanished from all folders, though it appears new messages can still come in. Would also greatly appreciate help getting the missing emails back!

liked 's reply

2 years ago

@user_a50ae6​ I just messaged support. If I get a solution I'll be sure to post it here.

followed 's post

2 years ago

All of my emails from 2/16/23 to this morning have disappeared from my Comcast email account. They are not in the trash, they were not deleted. They were in my inbox and now they are gone except for anything in the 2 hours. Any help is appreciated.

commented on 's post

2 years ago

All of my emails from 2/16/23 to this morning have disappeared from my Comcast email account. They are not in the trash, they were not deleted. They were in my inbox and now they are gone except for anything in the 2 hours. Any help is appreciated.


Same here. Lost everything from 2/15 to 3/13.


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March 14, 2023

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