


January 20th, 2023

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liked 's comment

2 years ago

Is there any resolution here? Every sporting event is behind 1 minute plus.   My kids are urging me to switch to another provider as watching any game is so frustrating as alerts are coming in way in advance of the plays actually happening. &nb

liked 's comment

2 years ago

8 days since my last message, no reply from Xfinity. Two more customers confirming they're having the same issue. [Edited: "Language"] Or maybe the customer service's own alerts have a similar delay? [Edited: "Inflammatory"]. Be a sport and let at le

followed 's post

2 years ago

I have a newer generation 4K DVR Model AX014ANC and 4K Mini. I also have the 1GB modem. Similar to other customers my broadcast for live tv is delayed by 45-50 seconds in comparison to other non-Xfinity customers. The odd thing is that the Xfininty stream app is also 45-50 seconds ahead of my box br

commented on 's post

2 years ago

I have a newer generation 4K DVR Model AX014ANC and 4K Mini. I also have the 1GB modem. Similar to other customers my broadcast for live tv is delayed by 45-50 seconds in comparison to other non-Xfinity customers. The odd thing is that the Xfininty stream app is also 45-50 seconds ahead of my box br


Has this issue been addressed? I have been having the same issue. I don’t want to hear that there is a broadcast delay . It is extremely frustrating that the fees/bills are extraordinarily high for this service but yet we have to deal with issues suc


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January 20, 2023

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