


April 18th, 2022

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replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

I can read and send email thru xfinity web mail, but when I try to read or send email thru thunderbird app I get Temporarily blacklisted IP Address error.


@user_8ee28c​ been there, talked to exec support thought I would be patched to another subnet range.... nope. No further followup, most don't know what an ASN is! I do. An end user.....

's comment

3 years ago


Spoken to xfinity customer care, sadly not fixed or followed up on. FIOS is in process of getting installed so we will switch and negotiate an addenda to their contract. New IP address ranges are expensive and worst case. Just have some for those

commented on 's post

3 years ago

I can read and send email thru xfinity web mail, but when I try to read or send email thru thunderbird app I get Temporarily blacklisted IP Address error.


Spoken to xfinity customer care, sadly not fixed or followed up on. FIOS is in process of getting installed so we will switch and negotiate an addenda to their contract. New IP address ranges are expensive and worst case. Just have some for those

commented on 's post

3 years ago

I can read and send email thru xfinity web mail, but when I try to read or send email thru thunderbird app I get Temporarily blacklisted IP Address error.


It turns out whole swaths of Xfinity Comcast are blacklisted. Mine since before the house was built or I was in the state.  After the fifth technician that did not know what was "wrong with my equipment or line, or was going to send someone ove

followed 's post

3 years ago

I can read and send email thru xfinity web mail, but when I try to read or send email thru thunderbird app I get Temporarily blacklisted IP Address error.


joined community.

April 18, 2022

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