


January 2nd, 2022

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replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

We are getting new warnings on our devices, a privacy warning. It is explained by the iPhone that the router, which is an xfinity router, is blocking encrypted DNS traffic. How can this privacy issue be fixed?


@user_bb801b​ Xfinity's recommendation is to reference Apple's help page to disable private relays. I'm not sure how that is relying on the home page of the interenet. The link you provided seems rather opaque.  Was the SSID = home?  Wa

replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

We are getting new warnings on our devices, a privacy warning. It is explained by the iPhone that the router, which is an xfinity router, is blocking encrypted DNS traffic. How can this privacy issue be fixed?


You are suggesting we disable a meaningful security and privacy measure that Xfinity is actively blocking. Shame on you.

replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

We are getting new warnings on our devices, a privacy warning. It is explained by the iPhone that the router, which is an xfinity router, is blocking encrypted DNS traffic. How can this privacy issue be fixed?


@Sammie10066 Apple correctly identifies that Xfinity prevents use of "Secure DNS" which is the analogous to HTTPS for web sites (as opposed to HTTP). This is a *choice* by Xfinity it is not a defect.   DNS (Domain Name Service is used t

followed 's post

3 years ago

We are getting new warnings on our devices, a privacy warning. It is explained by the iPhone that the router, which is an xfinity router, is blocking encrypted DNS traffic. How can this privacy issue be fixed?

replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

We are getting new warnings on our devices, a privacy warning. It is explained by the iPhone that the router, which is an xfinity router, is blocking encrypted DNS traffic. How can this privacy issue be fixed?


Xfinity... Could you simply check with your data collection team and confirm that they have disabled encrypted DNS in order to collect and sell more information about your customers? Thanks!


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January 2, 2022

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