


December 29th, 2021

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followed 's post

3 years ago

I'm getting a green screen when I switch to HDMI. It flips between green and black. The Xfinity flex isn't working. I've tried unplugging and reconnecting same thing. No issues with internet because everything else is working properly. Do you have solutions?

commented on 's post

3 years ago

I'm getting a green screen when I switch to HDMI. It flips between green and black. The Xfinity flex isn't working. I've tried unplugging and reconnecting same thing. No issues with internet because everything else is working properly. Do you have solutions?


I have the same issue. I get the green screen when plugging my xfinity flex box into my tv. I have switched HMDI inputs on my tv (no improvement) and have also verified that the HDMI cable itself works fine (used it to connect my computer to tv). So


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December 29, 2021

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