


September 24th, 2021

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followed 's post

3 years ago

I have been a Comcast customer for well over 15yrs in multiple states and when the option to stream Xfinity TV on my computer came out I was crazy excited and actually watch Xfinity on my computer more than I watch on a TV. I can watch Xfinity on just about everything but Linux. I've searched on goo

commented on 's post

3 years ago

I have been a Comcast customer for well over 15yrs in multiple states and when the option to stream Xfinity TV on my computer came out I was crazy excited and actually watch Xfinity on my computer more than I watch on a TV. I can watch Xfinity on just about everything but Linux. I've searched on goo


Just formatted a Windows computer and installed Linux just to use it for viewing comcast - I guess I should have done my research (Comcast customer / user since 1986)

liked 's post

3 years ago

I have been a Comcast customer for well over 15yrs in multiple states and when the option to stream Xfinity TV on my computer came out I was crazy excited and actually watch Xfinity on my computer more than I watch on a TV. I can watch Xfinity on just about everything but Linux. I've searched on goo


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September 24, 2021

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