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November 27th, 2013

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commented on 's post

5 years ago

Seems like Comcast doesn't like it if you push back on an answer.  Again, I don't understand what the business model is.  We have few avenues to ask questions and/or get answers and just moving posts because you don't like them or don't want to deal with your customers just shows bad form.  What are

+1   I did a search on a certain topic any all relevant posts were locked and i could not see them.    I understand trying to keep your forums clean via logic or whatever, but why prevent users from seeing potentially helpful information (because it

liked 's comment

5 years ago

Why can't I read any locked threads on this site? I thought locked meant read-only. When I click on links to locked threads I get redirected to the main forum list page, it's like the locked threads doesn't exist. Is this purposeful behavior, or is t

joined community.

November 27, 2013

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