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Frequent Visitor
July 14th, 2012
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ScheherazOdd has won 7 Badges (View Badges)
ScheherazOdd's Activities
5 years ago
5 years ago
What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!
@andyross Very few of those networks are available to people with the lowest, or second-to-lowest cable channel package. And if you don't have an HD cable box, or one of those weird antennas, you can't get the METV or Antenna TV networks. That's why
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!
I looked through posts all the way back to 2018, andyross, and I don't see a single post from anyone, other than you, mentioning that FETV was leasing their channel from Comcast. To which post are you referring?
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