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July 14th, 2012

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5 years ago

Post on Xfinity Facebook page and/or their Twitter #xfinitybringbackFETV

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5 years ago

What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great  GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!


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5 years ago

Yes this is ridiculous and unacceptable to drop fetv. Someone keeps responding that it’s because fetv is leasing a channel and dropping it due to low volume of customers viewing, but likely it’s because of Comcast’s ridiculous leasing rates!!!??? C

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5 years ago

Andyross why do you feel the need to cut/paste your response over and over again regarding FETV?  It is odd, are you really just a xfinity customer?

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5 years ago

What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great  GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!

@andyross Very few of those networks are available to people with the lowest, or second-to-lowest cable channel package. And if you don't have an HD cable box, or one of those weird antennas, you can't get the METV or Antenna TV networks. That's why

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5 years ago

They pay Comcast/Xfinity?? Are you kidding me? Doesn't Comcast make enough off their customers? For the rates we're charged, I feel we (customers/viewers) should have some say in our programming content.  I love this channel. Granted, many of the sho

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5 years ago

I am absolutely furious that Xfinity/Comcast removed FETV from the lineup. Gives? There’s so little decent programming on TV that I watch this channel 80% of the time. Please bring this back immediately. I’m just stunned of how many times you guys me

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5 years ago

This is just another string of mistakes that COMCAST has made recently. They have taken away most of the channels that I watched the most TCM, STARZ and now FETV.  I cant wait until January when my contract is up. I am finding another provider. The o

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5 years ago

I reached out to FETV and received this response; Thank you for contacting us. While we have temporarily left certain markets on Comcast, we hope to return very soon! If you’d like to receive any news and notes about our distribution, including when

commented on 's post

5 years ago

What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great  GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry AXS TV? Again another great channel!

I looked through posts all the way back to 2018, andyross, and I don't see a single post from anyone, other than you, mentioning that FETV was leasing their channel from Comcast. To which post are you referring?

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