New Poster
10 Messages
moving modem to a new room
I need to move modem to a center room . have cable for tv in this room . will a spliter work to hook both up.
New Poster
10 Messages
I need to move modem to a center room . have cable for tv in this room . will a spliter work to hook both up.
New Poster
10 Messages
4 years ago
Comcast keeps saying move it to center of house. So what good is that if the spliter weakens signal.
i am in same boat signal keeps dropping.
109.1K Messages
4 years ago
@chris_coyle wrote: "need to move modem to a center room . have cable for tv in this room . will a spliter work to hook both up."
It should provided that there is adequate signal present there to allow for the added loss. You won't know for sure until you try it. Good luck ! Please post back with how it goes.