Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
Houston, we have a packet loss problem
Been going on a week or so now, and impacting online gaming.
Seems to be 100% from a hop number 5. Any idea how to get comcast to check?
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
Been going on a week or so now, and impacting online gaming.
Seems to be 100% from a hop number 5. Any idea how to get comcast to check?
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
I think they are approved now.
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
The outage map is all green.
The xfinity speed test just came in at about 900Mbps.
The problem is that this packet loss and latency causes my online gaming in Rocket League to lag out and make competitive play impossible.
The outage and status maps show all green.
I know they are going to make me to multiple truck rolls to check lines and whatnot, but like I said I'm getting 900 Mbps download speed. I don't this this is my line issue. The service is up and for normal web browsing and video watching no problem.
It's just online gaming that seems to be severely impacted. Unfortunately, that's the main purpos of the high speed internet for me.
Any ideas other than network congestion?
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
The stats at that snapshot in time looked o/k. Hop #8 is just backbone transit router that is deliberately configured / rate limited to not respond to ICMP packet based ping probes. It is beyond Comcast webspace / responsibility anyway. You didn't post hop #1 and hop #2 ?
Please also post the modem's RF error / event log entries.
What is the exact make and model number of the modem ?
Is this with a WiFi connection ?
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
Ping Plotter:
This is a typical day right now. Packet loss starting at 6:30 pm most felt on gaming Rocket League as it makes the game uncontrollable. It continues through the night until in this case including an outage. I usually catch it in the morning and reset using the app and after that during the day it's fine for two users during the day. Starting at 6:30 pm the cycle repeast.
Event Log for the following day, during the day to early evening:
109.1K Messages
5 years ago
Can't see these latest pics.... Host them.
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
They are available now. Have had the tech out, checked lines and tapps all fine. I replaced the router with a new one. And still I have 2.5% packet loss which makes competetive rocket league play impossible. The data shows it's a server side issue within comcast starting at, but it continues to,,,, to I checked ping to this IP as this was a very fast DNS server called from Cloudfare. thought would have less hops to help narrow the problem. The support person on this forum from Comcast replied once but not again. They checked my name but never replied. I keep calling and level 1 support does their reset everything check levels thing. The tech came to my house and checked lines, then said text me if issue. He said my supervisor will call back as it's a node issue. I've been texting for long time. Still same issue. Truck roll guy is ignoring me now. No supervisor call. I'm quad play customer with cell too 350 a month 400 sometimes and it doesn't matter. 600 this month with replacing router which also didn't fix the issue as they suggested. It's the same again, past level 1 support, they ignore you. They say they will call and fix but if the issue is beyond just a bit simple, even for top premium customers at least consumer wise like me, they don't have a process to support it.
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
uugh. Help please someone. After replacing router, same issue. Data shows node issue or network issue, as zero packet loss on network I still test 900 Mbps down. Just really bad quality.
Frequent Visitor
36 Messages
5 years ago
OK so saga tonight is they are sending out Xifi router, with $13 increase to $267 a month, but I need to buy $119 of pods to replace my second router/bridge to reach the kitchen where wife works, saga continues. Packet loss 6% and competitive rocket league gaming still not possible