Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
400 Mbps plan but getting just under 300 Mbps
We recently recieved an email from Xfinity saying
We're excited to share that we've increased your download speeds from 300 Mbps to 400 Mbps. (Xfinity app also shows this as out current plan)
However Wired Speed Tests to and show our speeds remain around 300 Mbps (same as before)
Modem signals seem OK
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
They're good. Please also post the upstream power values.
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
Can't see your pic. Since you are a new poster, it needs to be approved by a Forum Admin. That could take some time. In the interim, you could try hosting it at one of those free third-party pic hosting sites like Imgur or Photobucket and post the link to it here.
Or copy all of the text of the status page and paste it into the body of your next post here.
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
4 years ago
Looks like the image with modems levels didn't post - here they are
Connection Status
System Up Time 2 days 08h:06m:33s
Network Access Allowed
Downstream Bonded Channels
Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected
1 Locked QAM256 24 483.0 -1.3 41.1 0 0
2 Locked QAM256 25 489.0 -1.5 40.9 0 0
3 Locked QAM256 26 495.0 -1.7 40.7 0 0
4 Locked QAM256 27 507.0 -1.3 35.5 0 0
5 Locked QAM256 28 513.0 -1.2 41.1 0 0
6 Locked QAM256 29 519.0 -1.2 41.1 0 0
7 Locked QAM256 30 525.0 -1.1 41.1 0 0
8 Locked QAM256 31 531.0 -1.2 40.9 0 0
9 Locked QAM256 32 537.0 -1.2 40.9 0 0
10 Locked QAM256 33 543.0 -0.9 41.1 0 0
11 Locked QAM256 34 549.0 -0.9 41.2 0 0
12 Locked QAM256 35 555.0 -0.7 41.3 0 0
13 Locked QAM256 36 561.0 -0.9 41.3 0 0
14 Locked QAM256 37 567.0 -0.9 41.2 0 0
15 Locked QAM256 38 573.0 -0.7 41.3 0 0
16 Locked QAM256 39 579.0 -0.4 41.7 0 0
17 Locked QAM256 40 585.0 -0.4 43.3 0 0
18 Locked QAM256 41 591.0 -0.3 43.1 0 0
19 Locked QAM256 42 597.0 -0.2 43.0 0 0
20 Locked QAM256 43 603.0 0.0 43.0 0 0
21 Locked QAM256 44 609.0 0.7 43.1 0 0
22 Locked QAM256 45 615.0 1.2 43.5 0 0
23 Locked QAM256 46 621.0 1.6 43.8 0 0
24 Locked QAM256 47 627.0 1.6 43.4 0 0
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
4 years ago
For whatever reason this area has always had 5 upstream channels - signal levels below.
Connection to modem is a single cable from the street into the house installed by Xfinity a few years ago. No connectors, splitters - just one cable into the modem.
Upstream Bonded Channels
Channel Lock Status Channel Type Channel ID Symb. Rate (Ksym/sec) Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV)
1 Locked ATDMA 1 5120 17.3 47.0
2 Locked ATDMA 2 5120 23.7 47.3
3 Locked ATDMA 3 5120 30.3 48.3
4 Locked ATDMA 4 5120 36.7 47.0
5 Locked ATDMA 5 1280 41.2 45.0
6 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 0 0.0
7 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 0 0.0
8 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 0 0.0
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
They are in spec as well. Try calling 1-800-comcast and ask a rep to completely remove the modem from your account and to "re-provision" it from scratch. Also ask them to confirm that the provisioning and account data in their database is correct and complete and that the correct configuration / bootfile for your subscribed to speed tier is being pushed to the modem. Good luck !
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
I'm going to escalate your issue to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
4 years ago
In my experience calling the Comcast 1-800 and asking those type of questions is hard.
The first level support have their scripts which they stick to (restart the modem etc). Getting someone who can actually tell you speed the modem is provisioned with is much harder.
I was kind of hoping the forums might suggest a better way to actually reach someone who can help.
I know the signal levels are within spec - but was posting here as thought would be the first questions people ask and wanted to get beyond that.
Oh well..
Gold Problem Solver
3.3K Messages
4 years ago
Hi, vandergraff. Thank you for bringing this speed concern to our attention! We can definitely take a look at your account to see what is going on with your current level of speed, along with the upgrade that was supposed to take place. We will figure everything out from there. To begin, please send me a PM with your first and last name.
To send a private message, please click my name "ComcastMorgan" then select "Send a Message" on the right side.
Thanks! Talk soon.
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
4 years ago
Any luck in contacting a Comcast employee on these boards to assist with this?
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
4 years ago
OK worked out what is going on.
Comcast confirmed that I am on the 400 Mbps plan and were going to re-provision the modem tonight just in case that was the issue.
However in the meantime I have discovered that it was a setting in my router that was slowing things down. I had Traffic Monitoring Per IP Enabled (monitoring data usage of each local client) which had disabled Hardware Accleration. Disabling Per IP Monitor and turning Hardware Acceleration back on fixed the issue. Now seeing download speed well over 400 Mbps. Thanks everyone!
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
4 years ago
We're glad you were able to fix the issue! This is great news 🙂 Thanks again for all your time and help. Good catch reviewing your router settings. Do all you can to have a great night and please send us another message anytime if needed. Take care
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
1 Message
4 years ago
Hello if anyone is out there,
My plan just upgraded from 200 to 400/20 mbps yesterday, I have rebooted my routers (ASUS RT-AC68U) but still getting the same speed as before (around 230/12 mbps).
I also restarted my modem ARRIS 6190 (DOCSIS 3.0).
Any one can re-provision my modem or tell me how to get the speed I'm paying for?