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Thursday, January 18th, 2018 7:00 AM


ANSWERED: How do I turn on/off closed captioning on my Xfinity TV boxes?

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​ ​​How do I turn on/off closed captioning?​

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​Which TV Boxes Support Closed Captioning?​

Below is a list of TV Boxes that have the option to enable or disable Closed Captioning via Settings in the Xfinity On-Screen Guide.

TV Boxes

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The on-screen menu will enable Closed Captioning (subtitles). Closed Captioning can be enabled or disabled on only the following high definition (HD) TV Boxes and HD DVRs, when the TV Box is connected using HDMI or component cables:

  • 3250 HD
  • 4250 HDC
  • 8000 HD
  • 8010 HD
  • 8300 HD
  • 8300 HD MR
  • 8300 HDC
  • Cisco RNG150
  • Cisco RNG200

If any of the above listed TV Boxes are connected via a standard definition (SD) connection (example, S-Video, coax/RF, or composite video connections), enable Closed Captioning through the TV.

Closed Captioning on the following Scientific Atlanta/Cisco equipment will always need to be activated via the TV:
  • 2000 HD
  • 2000
  • 2010
  • 2100
  • 2200
  • 3000
  • 3100
  • 3100 HD
  • 3200 SD
  • 3250
  • 4200 SD
  • 4250 C
  • 8000 SD
  • 8010 SD
  • 8300 SD
  • 8300 SD MR

If you have one of the above TV Boxes, you will be able to see the Subtitle menu; however, toggling subtitles to On will not activate closed captioning through the TV Box - you will have to enable it through the TV.

​Turn Closed Captioning On or Off on X1​

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Turn Closed Captioning On or Off Using the Xfinity Voice Remote

Closed Captioning (CC) can now be turned on or off using the Voice Remote. Simply press and hold the microphone (Mic) button, and say "Closed Captions" or just "Captions."

Acquaint yourself with the extended list of voice commands.

Configure a Closed Captioning Shortcut on Your Remote

Learn how to configure the accessibility shortcut on your Voice Remote.

Turn Closed Captioning On or Off While Watching a Program

Every time the playback functionality options appear on-screen, a list of the accessibility settings currently enabled will be visible underneath the transport bar.

You can also check the status of accessibility settings directly from the playback controls.

  1. Reach the accessibility buttons by pressing the down arrow or the OK button on your X1 remote.
  2. Use the left arrow to select Closed Captioning (CC)(or to reach Audio Description (D) or Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) options).
    • Note: If those options are collapsed, simply select the collapsed button, and it will expand to show all three accessibility buttons: Audio Description (D), Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) and Closed Captioning (CC).
  3. Press OK on your X1 remote to select and turn Closed Captions on or off.

Turn Captions On or Off Using the X1 Accessibility Settings Menu

To access Accessibility Settings:

  1. Press the B key on your Xfinity remote to reach Accessibility Settings.
  2. Press OK to toggle Closed Captioning On or Off. If choosing On, then proceed to Closed Captioning Options and select your preferred settings (font size, color and formatting).

    Closed Captioning Options appears second in a list of options, just below the option to toggle Closed Captioning On or Off.

  3. If you’d like to choose your own font size (small to extra large), background and window styling options, select Custom in the Closed Captioning Style field. If you wish to receive the Closed Captioning style chosen by the programmer for easy reading, switch the style to Auto.
    Closed Captioning Options screen: The Closed Captioning Style field is second from the top.
  4. Press Exit when finished. You must change the channel for the changes to take effect.

Please note if you’re using any third-party applications within X1 or Flex, most of your accessibility user preferences will not be observed once you launch the app. However, you can enable the app’s own accessibility features, which will vary within the app.

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​Turn Closed Captioning On or Off on Your HD TV Box (non-X1)​

Note: These instructions apply to customers who have HD TV Boxes. Closed Captioning on other TV Boxes needs to be activated through the television set.

Access Closed Captioning Settings With the Xfinity On-Screen Guide

You'll need to use the left, right, up, and down navigation arrows around the OK button on the Xfinity remote to access and update these settings. Please note that the location of the options within the menus varies by TV Box.

  1. Using your Xfinity remote, press the Xfinity or Menu button twice to access the Main Menu.
    • If needed, you can also press the Xfinity or Menu button once to access the Quick Menu, then use the left and right arrows to select the Main Menu tile.
    • Press OK to confirm your choice. 
      Access the Main Menu with your Xfinity remote.

  2. In the Main Menu, locate the option for Setup. Use the navigation arrows on the remote to select Setup.
    Select Setup from the Main Menu.

  3. Press the OK button on your remote to open the Setup Menu.
    Press OK to open the Setup Menu

  4. In the Setup Menu, locate the option for Closed Captioning Setup.
    • On some HD TV Boxes, this is labeled Subtitle Setup and may be on the second page of the Setup Menu.
      • Press the down arrow until the second menu screen appears.
  5. Use the navigation arrows on the remote to select Closed Captioning Setup or Subtitle Setup and press the OK button to access the Closed Captioning Settings. 
    Press the OK button to select Closed Captioning Setup or Subtitle Setup.

Set Up Closed Captioning With the Xfinity On-Screen Guide

You will need to use the left, right, up and down navigation arrows around the OK button on the Xfinity remote to update these settings.

Note: The location of the options within the menus varies by TV Box.

On some boxes, the option for Closed Captioning is called Subtitles. To enable Closed Captioning, Closed Captioning should be set to ON. To disable Closed Captioning, Closed Captioning should be set to OFF.

  1. Using your remote, press the left or right arrow to change the Closed Captioning option to your desired setting.
    Use the left or right arrow on your remote to set Closed Captioning.

  2. When Closed Captioning is set to On, additional settings for caption services, font size and appearance and background appearance may become available. 
    Closed Captioning On may reveal additional settings to select.

  3. Use the up and down arrows to select additional Closed Captioning settings and the left and right arrows to make changes.
  4. When you are finished, use the Last or Exit buttons on the remote to exit the menu.

​Closed Captioning - When to Use Your TV vs. Comcast Equipment​

Typical Equipment Configurations

The best way to turn on the Closed Captioning feature depends on what kind of Comcast device and TV you have. We've outlined a few of the different setups to help point you in the right direction.

Note: Audio connections are not shown in the illustrations below.

Standard Definition TV with Standard Definition TV Boxes or TV Adapters
Image shows how to connect TV Box or DTA to a standard definition TV via coaxial cable or single yellow RCA cable.

You’ll need to use the Closed Captioning features built into your TV. It is likely that the standard definition TV Box or TV Adapter is unable to send and receive Closed Captioning.

Standard Definition TV with High Definition TV Boxes (with or without DVR)
Image shows connection between Standard Definition TV Box and HDTV using coaxial cable or single yellow RCA cable.

You can use either the TV Box or the TV to turn Closed Captioning on or off. If you accidentally turn Closed Captioning on in both, you'll see a double layer of captions.

High Definition TV with High Definition TV Boxes (with or without DVR)
Image shows connection between a high definition set top box and a high definition TV. Connected via HDMI cable or three Component Video cables.

You will need to use the TV Box. Closed Captioning should be turned off on your TV to avoid the chance of double layers of captions.

On High Definition TV with a CableCARD
Image shows connection between CableCARD device and HDTV via HDMI cable or 3 Component Video cables.

You’ll need to use the CableCARD device to turn Closed Captioning on or off.

​Additional Resources​

Which TV Boxes Support Closed Captioning?

Turn Closed Captioning On or Off on X1

How To Display Closed Captions on X1 [ASL]

Turn Closed Captioning On or Off on Your HD TV Box

How To Display Closed Captions on HD and SD Boxes [ASL]

Closed Captioning - When to Use Your TV vs. Comcast Equipment

Adjust Closed Captioning (CC) on Android Devices

Adjust Closed Captioning (CC) on Apple Phones or Tablets

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