tempest42's profile



42 Messages

Wednesday, January 16th, 2019 12:00 PM


Login Loop: When Is Comcast Going To Fix This?

Comcast, just when is your team going to get around to fixing this problem? We're all having problems logging into our account and it has been more than a week already. How about fixing this login loop glitch so we can access our accounts already.

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Accepted Solution

Official Employee


6.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @tempest42 and other having this issue, 


Our engineers have confirmed this is a known issue, and are working to have this resolved as soon as possible. In the mean time, I'd like to gather the first and last name of the affected users in a private message so I can link your issues with logging in, to the investigation that is open. This will also give me the opportunity to follow up with each of you as more updates are provided regarding a resolution. 


To send a private message click on my name "ComcastChe", then click send a message.  




New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

I've had this same problem for 3 days now - comcast phone and chat no help. On hold now again.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

5 years ago

doubt anytime soon they have no clue what it even is.



32 Messages

5 years ago

I've had the issue for a week now. Wouldn't be surprised if they give out new accounts to fix it. Many years ago my account some how got deleted and all they could do is give me a new one.

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

5 years ago

Not sure if it has been posted, but has anyone tried a different browser, cleared browsing history, or deleted Comcast and Xfinity cookies?



42 Messages

5 years ago

I've tried Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Microsoft Edge. They all give the same error. Apparently, this affects comcast active subscriber accounts. I've logged in to an old comcast account I had and it works fine. But, when I try logging into my subscriber account, it keeps booting me to the login page. Also, and when I try to log out of my old account, it gives a server error message.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

5 years ago

This is my third day as well. Deleting cookies, history or even trying a different browser Chrom, IE11, Edge, and of course Firefox does not solve the problem.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

After chatting with their helpdesk all I got was an 'escalation' request to people higher up in IT. 

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

Did talk to an IT rep today and they said they were very aware of the problem.. Working on it..  Said going on for week now..

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

yes, tried all of these

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Yes I have tried Internet Explorer,  Firefox with scrolled scripts (for spam ads, I tried to pause the looping, didnt work). 


I'm about to rage quit and deactivate everything. No more money out of me!



42 Messages

5 years ago

I also placed a phone call to xfinity about this and that they have escalated this issue to some department I have never heard of. But, hopefully, they'll fix this because this is most definitely an error on Comcast's side. Even though I get a login error, the system says I'm logged in (but I'm not, since it continues to lopop to the login page). But, when I try to log out (lols), I get a server system error.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

(former "aortizcraballo" username)
Two weeks, several calls and tickets open and NO ONE could figure it out, no one called me back to follow up with me.

Today again on the phone; I suggested to the Comcast service representative over the phone to add another user, make it account admin and then delete the old user.

SO, In order to solve the issue, I had to give up my old login name and email.

meaning I can no longer use "aortizcaraballo" and or "aortizcaraballo@comcast.net" email no more.

All because for two weeks the incompetent team of squirrels that lead and manage the customer service department has no idea what in the world is going on.

Comcast customer service is incompetent and disconnected from the customer needs.
I can't wait until my contract is over to leave for good and take my business partner accounts with me as well.

This is my second time with Comcast and I REGRET it, I don't recommend it and I will share my story every time I can. Your customer service is garbage...

Thank you for wasting my time for two weeks, at the end I had to tell YOU how to fix the issue...

Customer first culture is NOT what Comcast is about.

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago

Having the same issue been having it sence I got xfinity a few months ago. I have already tried talking to support but they did nothing to fix the issue still going in the log in loop even though I'm loged into the main page but as soon as I hit account or anything back to log in. Then its right back to log in back and forth. I tried clearing my interent cach and using other devices same on everyone. This is fustrating at frist I was using the app to do things to get around the xfinity website issues and now the app keeps crashing when i load it. I just want to get into my account and check how much data i have used and other usefull things.  Now I am going to have to pay my bill blindly this is nuts. 

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

5 years ago

No anytime soon; use the chat support mode yesterday morning and was told they are know about it and are working on it and it would be fixed in 24 hours - I guess they were not thinking 24 hrs earth time propably. 

Maybe by Monday morning when the Lunar eclipse is over - since it's obvously affecting their systems.

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