XfinityJK's profile



99 Messages

Monday, October 12th, 2015 1:00 PM


Xfinity Forum Acceptable Use Policy

These forums are accessible to all Xfinity customers. Membership and Posting privileges are currently available as a free, added benefit to Xfinity customers. We invite you to join in and discuss a variety of Service topics/Issues. Membership within the Xfinity Help Forums is both a privilege and a responsibility. Becoming a registered member of the Xfinity Help & Support Forums means agreeing to abide by a few simple Xfinity Forum rules and guidelines as outlined below: 




Please Do:



Please Don't:

Be Polite:


These forums are designed to build a positive and thriving peer to peer help community. Positive, constructive comments and questions that are on-topic will help maintain a positive spirit on these forums. Please give the same consideration and tolerance to others that you would like to receive from them


Post Personal Information in the Forums:


Please do your best to keep your identity and personal information safe. This includes:


  • Your full name 
  • Your telephone number
  • Your Physical/Mailing Address
  • Email addresses
  • Credit Card numbers
  • Account numbers
  • Other personally identifiable information
  • Chat transcripts


Use a descriptive topic subject:


This will ensure that others who can help will see your post more easily and will improve your chances of receiving a response. As an example, if you have a question about not receiving email, do not use "email" as the subject title of your post. Instead, use a subject title like "not receiving an email with Windows Mail".


Use Profanity:


Please keep your posts clean. Our forums have an automated profanity filter to block out inappropriate language. Please do not circumvent it by finding colorful ways to approximate or disguise those words. If you are caught trying to bypass the filters in any way, your posting privileges may be revoked.


Ask questions:


No question is considered silly or "dumb." We're here to help, so please ask away!


Post inappropriate images, usernames, profiles, signature lines, and avatars:


Posts containing images with inappropriate or inflammatory content will be removed. This may include photos that are on-topic and/or of historical significance, i.e., gory photos of lynching, war battles, etc... Images containing nudity (real or drawn) are also not permitted and may result in the loss of posting privileges. Also, inappropriate usernames, member profiles, signature lines, or avatars may result in removal, warnings, and bans


Stay on topic:


Remember that these forums are to be used for help. Always stick to the original topic that was stated by the person who started the thread. If you have a suggestion or comment that is on a different topic, please start a new thread within the appropriate forum.


Post Threats:


Posting threatening comments towards Comcast, or anyone will not be appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, threats of physical violence and threats of malicious activities. Threatening comments will likely lead to the loss of posting privileges. The sending of threatening Direct Message (also known as a DM) that may include, but is not limited to, threats of physical violence and threats of malicious activities. Direct Message of this nature will likely lead to the loss of posting privileges.


Be comprehensive:


Please include as much information to describe your question or issue as possible. Generally speaking, try to include details of your computer (i.e. operating system, Internet browser, email program, etc.) and any error messages you may see. Also, keep checking back on any questions/issues you post as others may request more details to be able to provide you an answer.


Malicious Content:


Posting content designed to disrupt or interfere with the operation of another member's computer is not permitted. This may include, but is not limited to, linking to viruses and linking to pages that hijack browsers. Posting this brand of content will likely lead to the loss of posting privileges.


Utilize the ‘Report Abuse to Moderator’ function :


Available on each post to alert an administrator to any trolling or flaming posts.



Illegal Content and/or Activities:


Illegal Content posts, e.g. Pirated Software and/or requests, how-to's on obtaining any content without a legal purchase, copyrighted material, etc., will be removed. Posts with Illegal Activities such as circumventing Site Banning will be removed. Illegal Content and Activities are defined in the Comcast Terms of Service Agreement. Duplicate or excessively repeated submissions in one or more areas and/or circumventing Xfinity Forum user bans will result in immediate permanent banning from the forum site. Please keep personal conversations in the Forums Direct Messenger. This includes threads/messages aimed at only a select member or group of members, your personal forum status (leaving, arriving, rank, and warnings), other's personal forum status ("Where is ______?"), etc..


Use good netiquette:


Finally, please practice good "netiquette." This includes respect for others, refraining from typing in ALL CAPS, avoiding flame wars, refraining from "bumping" threads (i.e.., posting for the sole purpose of moving a thread to the top of a forum page), using non-generic thread titles that indicate the subject of the thread, and keeping posts civil at all times. Together, we can make the community safe and fun for everyone!



Troll or spam:


Trolls are individuals who start inflammatory threads or post rude or offensive messages for the purpose of disrupting a discussion or to upset other forum participants. Trolling behavior includes purposely harassing a particular member, employee, moderator, or administrator, sending them rude or unwanted/unsolicited direct messages, etc.. This may include emails and/or phone calls to Comcast, Comcast employees or any variation of, Sprinklr, Sprinklr employees or any variation of. Trolls risk having their posts removed and may be banned from participating in the forums. Similarly, repeated posting of a message (or very similar messages) multiple times is considered spamming and is prohibited. This includes posting for the sole purpose of gaining a higher post count or rank. Spamming may also include, but is not limited to, any of the following:


1.    Bumping: Bumping refers to making a post for the sole purpose of bringing a thread to the top of the list. This may also involve bumping an older thread that is no longer relevant. Bumping old threads is typically frowned upon and should be avoided.

2.    One Word Posts: In the interest of furthering the conversation, please try to avoid responding with a single word or just an emoticon(icon displaying emotion). Please try to elaborate on your comments wherever possible.

3.    Blank Posts: Avoid posting entirely in the Subject line. Please post a subject that summarizes your post, receives attention and encourages discussion.

4.    Stay on topic. Always stick to the original topic that was started by the person who started the thread. If you have a suggestion or comment that is on a different topic, please start a new thread within the appropriate forum.

5.    Multiple posts: When making a comment, please only post it ONCE in the most appropriate category and forum that fits the topic of your post. If the topic is relevant to more than one forum, pick the best fit or most specific forum and post it only once. Multiple posts will be locked, merged, or removed, and continued abuse of this guideline may result in having your posting privileges revoked.


Check back for replies to your post(s):


Because of the nature of forums, you will find that your question may not get answered right away. Make sure you check back on your post periodically for a few days to allow others to answer your question. Also, forum members here will answer your question here in the forums - they will not personally email you any answers so please do not add your email address to your post expecting an answer to be sent to you.


Use Inappropriate content:


Messages containing religious, political, racially, or sexually offensive content, name-calling, profanity, insults, or other inappropriate content will be removed; the member's posting privileges may also be revoked.



Post advertisements or solicitations:


The Xfinity Help & Support Forums are not to be used for trading/swapping, selling or advertising non-Comcast products, services, petitions, or other online venues. This includes multilevel marketing schemes, soliciting funds/other donations for what may or may not be a charitable cause, or soliciting others to participate in any type of specific action (not including requesting a user to send you a direct message). Members who post referral links to these sites will have their posts/signatures edited and/or removed and may be subject to banning. Community memberships created solely for such purposes will be banned.



Insult (flame) other Community members:


We ask all members to discuss issues and disagree with other posters without resorting to or responding with insults, whether they are blatantly offensive or subtle and indirect.  Responding to an insult with an insult makes a poster as guilty of flaming as the original poster. Flaming is the act of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting. These types of posts or usernames are not allowed and can result in the immediate revocation of ones forum posting privileges.



Please Note: By having an account and utilizing these forums, you have hereby agreed to the rules, policies, and guidelines contained within this document as well as any other posted documents throughout the community. The Xfinity Help & Support Forums are subject to the Subscriber Agreement and Comcast's Acceptable Use Policy both found here: The use of 'remove', 'removal' or 'removed' may be substituted for 'edited' or 'deleted' at any time. Xfinity Forum "Official Employees", "Moderators" or "Administrators" reserve the right to remove any username, post and/or topic that we deem inappropriate or disruptive to the Xfinity Help Forums Community. These Guidelines Can Change Without Notification.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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