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4 Messages
Xfinity XB7 (White / Gray) Gateway - Issues with Local Network and Smart Home
I should preface this by saying this is my second XB7 (White / Gray) latest model Xfinity Gateway. The gateway is actually awesome - great range, fast, stable, etc. The only problem it does have is that it starts to disconnect / kill the connection of:
- Some HomeKit devices (myQ Garage Door Home Bridge - worked perfectly on the replacement gateway for about a month, all of a sudden disconnected after tonight).
- Google Chromecast - again, worked perfectly for about a month on the new replacement, today, some Chromecast sources are not shown.
Once it gets in this mode of blocking local smart home devices, it will start to disconnect other wifi devices as well - Dyson Fans, etc. Nest devices are very stable and seem to not have a problem, and are never blocked.
Has anyone else run into this issue with this Gateway? I am about ready to put it in BRIDGE mode, and purchase a separate WiFi setup if it persists.
Info on the XB7 Gateway:
HW Version: 2.0
Vendor: Technicolor
BOOT Version: S1TC-
Core Version: 1.0
Model: CGM4331COM
Product Type: XB7
Flash Part: 8192 MB
Download Version: Prod_19.2_d31 & Prod_19.2
Anyone know of a firmware upgrade coming to resolve this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
I've had nothing but trouble with my XB7 and even its predecesor. It simply won't play nice with HomeKit devices. I'll have it running beautifully for a week and then it'll drop all my Lifx bulbs for no reason, sometimes my Ecobee. I reset the modem and nothing. I uninstall and reinstall my HomeKit devices and it'll work for a while then drop again.
I finally turned the XB7 into Bridge Mode and connected it to my old Google WiFi and no problems at all with HomeKit. Problem is, I like the parental controls of Xfi and in Bridge Mode my Plex server has problems with remote viewing. Plus, speed is reduced and fluctuates using the Bridged setup.
I'm so annoyed. I'm thinking of just scrapping the gateway and getting my own modem and router.
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
5 years ago
109K Messages
5 years ago
Here's how;
Regular Visitor
4 Messages
5 years ago
Thank you for the replies so far!
So, if I separate the networks, it's best to have wifi devices that are close to the unit on 5GHz, and far from the unit on 2.4GHz? I kind of like having a merged network as one - but you're thinking this is what causes the the issues?
The only item that is showing "No Response" in homekit is the myQ home bridge adapter - which currently works through the vendor app and google assitant. This tells me it is the Gateway and not the actual connection to that particular device since it works through vendor app itself.
New Poster
1 Message
4 years ago
I am having trouble keeping my chromecast "visible" on my Google home app (very finicky since I got this new router--same one as OP). I recently changed (select "edit") the 2.4 and 5 Ghz to "manual" channel selection (default was "automatic"). So far (like for 10 minutes) this has fixed the issue. We'll see how long it works or what other problems it causes!
New Poster
3 Messages
4 years ago
Changing the channels to manual worked for me. As soon as i did my printer started printing!
New Poster
6 Messages
4 years ago
I was having a similar problem with my Chromecast and figured it out. Posting here in case it helps others.