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72 Messages

Thursday, April 28th, 2022 4:38 AM


Xfinity vpn will not connect

Xfinity advanced security on my iPhone and iPad. Been working fine for a few weeks but now I notice on the iPad it says “Xfinity vpn will not connect on the current network.” On the iPhone it says, “Xfinity vpn will connect on demand.”

On the iPad I have noticed that I keep getting security alerts about my iPad attempting to attack another network. The ip in question is Facebook, and it seems to be linked to a game that I play on the iPad (and never on the iPhone) called “Bermuda Adventure” which does link to Facebook. Everything else on the iPad is running fine, but this one game has started having connection issues ever since this vpn issue and security alerts started happening.

Any idea what’s going on?



45 Messages

2 years ago

This game is clearly violating the Security parameters of your VPN. Maybe its accessing data your unaware of or installing tracking code. Unless you tell the VPN to allow access it will block certain requests. The alerts are telling you exactly why its shutting down the connection. May be it unsecure or its opening you up to data breaches. Id be careful what you allow in. Its your network and your data.



72 Messages

2 years ago

But the vpn can’t be blocking anything on the iPad because the vpn is not even connected on the iPad. Xfinity Advanced Security seems like it might be doing its job if this game is indeed doing something nefarious, but that doesn’t explain why the Xfinity vpn has become inactive on the iPad.



45 Messages

2 years ago

Look in the app see if the ipad is on your network, connected via wifi, if so click on the ipad see what you find. It may be paused or not connected. If its in app remove it all together, then reconnect. Because if ipad is connected via wifi then some how its being blocked. Ipad may not be connecting to right network. Go to command prompt type in ipconfig/all see whats connected to what



72 Messages

2 years ago

@user_482455​ The iPad is a wi-fi only model, and it is connected to the same network as the iPhone. I have had no other issues with apps having any connection problems or security alerts. And until yesterday the iPad was always connected to the Xfinity VPN. This is the first time it has switched from "Xfinity VPN will connect on demand" to "Xfinity VPN will not connect on the current network."

I went into the Xfinity app and switched off Advanced Security and then switched it back on again. I have seen no more security alerts, but the Xfinity VPN still won't connect on the iPad (but still working fine on the iPhone).

One thing I did notice. When I check the Xfinity app I can see all my household devices are connected, none are paused, and I have assigned them all to the "Household" group. I know I also assigned the iPad, but for some reason it had reset to "Unassigned." So I once again set it to "Household." I don't think that should make any difference because I'm not using the groups for anything, but we'll see.



45 Messages

2 years ago

Your on the right track. One thing you can do Is actually remove in the App the Ipad from devices all together. Then once its gone Forget Network on Ipad. After that go to wifi networks and connect to your network again, You will have to re-enter the password. Then look in app to see if it updated and shows the device.  This may do the trick. Its definitely VPN firewall related issue. Have you updated Ipad software, and do you have any Security malware or anti virus type software on Ipad. I ask becuase there is a conflict somewhere just trying to eliminate them.



72 Messages

@user_482455​ There has been no recent iPad software update, and I do not have any security or antivirus software running on it, other than Xfi Advanced Security.

I went ahead and removed the iPad from the devices, forgot the network, reconnected, and the iPad showed up again in the device list. When I go into the VPN settings on the iPad, it still says, "Xfinity VPN will not connect on the current network."

So I deleted the Xfinity VPN from the iPad and then went through the process of reinstalling it in the Xfinity app. That seems to have fixed the problem. The VPN settings now says, "Xfinity VPN will connect on demand" and I can see that it is indeed connected.

I would still like to know why the Xfinity VPN switched into the "will not connect" mode. Was it the security alert? What would be the point of deactivating the VPN due to a security alert? Isn't that the exact opposite of what you would want to happen?

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