2 Messages
Xfinity Throttling
I have a Netgear Nighthawk C7000V2 which is rated up to 890mbps even on the supported modems xfinity site and i only ever manage to get up to 150mbps on a good day. This modem has been exchanged once to please the xfinity folks who seemed convinced it was the problem. To no avail. I had a tech come out, plug in the xfinity branded modem and voila, max speeds. The magic comes now, the tech and myself noticed that I would get max speeds on mine for up to 10-15 minutes after we swapped modems back. We recreated this scenario 3 times and every time I would get top of the range internet speeds, I also had a friend try my modem on another cable provider (for which he has 2gbps) and would get the 800mbps max speed the modem can handle. This only leads me to believe that Xfinity willingly throttles those who aren't on their sub-par modem. I borrowed also an CM2000-100NAS and still get the same slow speeds. Lines have been verified multiple times.
Problem Solver
515 Messages
2 years ago
xfinity does not throttle. You have other issues. You need to schedule a tech to check out the lines to your home. Please be aware that if the problem lies within your home ( too may splitters, improper placement of router, etc), you will be charged for the visit. If the problem is with their line, then the visit should be no charge.
Problem Solver
948 Messages
2 years ago
My mb8611, not too shabby,
Official Employee
2.4K Messages
2 years ago
Hello, @airslashfury Thank you for sharing your concerns about your internet speed. @NoNoBadPuppy is correct that we do not slow down your speeds. If they are not working as they should be there is indeed a technical problem happening. Thousands of our family members use their own modems without any issues. This handy link was put together by our Experts and goes over Tips for Troubleshooting the Internet Connection. Are you seeing any signals that are out of range for the modem? Do you use a separate router?