user_a8a0bs, Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I can certainly understand the concern with the internet usage speaking for you in August and wanted to see which device is using the data. I have been in your shoes before so I can relate. You've come to the right place. Over social media, we are a dedicated team of experts who are committed to resolving data usage concerns such as this. We can help. There are 3 great ways to track data usage. One is by signing in to our website and checking out the Usage Meter page under the internet section at this link here.
The second way is by saying Monthy Data Usage into an X1 Voice remote control which is my favorite if you are an X1 video subscriber!
The other way is through the XFINITY app. I recommend in tracking the usage when using each device individually for a day and going from there. Monitoring the data use when utilizing each device individually can help pinpoint which devices are using the data and which devices are connected to your network. How does this sound?
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2 months ago