Thursday, September 7th, 2023 1:15 PM


Xfinity Speed Throttling

I have been a customer of Xfinity/Comcast for almost 3 years since I bought my first house. Starting in March, I noticed that my internet speeds were not reaching my paid for speeds of 800Mbps Download and 25Mbps upload, but instead I was getting 80-90Mbps download and 25Mbps upload. I restarted my modem (Arris Surfboard SB8200) and the issue seemed to resolve itself for a few days and then the issue reappeared. I contacted Xfinity Support and their only suggestion to me was that my modem was bad and I needed to replace it. So I went to Best Buy and bought a brand new modem of the same exact model and installed it and my speeds were restored.

This issue didn't reappear for the next several months until the end of August when it happened again. This time, restarting the modem didn't even help restore my speeds. So I got in contact with Xfinity again and they scheduled to have a technician come out and check out everything from the tap at the street to the modem. Ultimately, after all of his diagnosis, he determined that my service line from their tap at the road was bad and he ran a temporary cable and also installed a signal amplifier to get everything within spec. After that, my speeds were restored and everything was running smoothly. This all happened yesterday (9/6/23) between 8-10AM.

After he left, I went to work and got home afterwards and everything was till working as it should. My girlfriend works from home for a hospital and she said she didn't have any issues after he left so I thought that finally my issues were resolved once and for all.

Or so I thought.

At about 11PM last night, I get another notification that my internet had been restored after a brief outage. Out of curiosity, I ran a new speed test. And guess what? My speeds were once again throttled down to 80-90Mbps download and 25Mbps upload!

Has anyone else dealt with issues like this and if so, how did you ultimately get them resolved? This is getting exceedingly frustrating and it makes me want to cancel all of my Xfinity services and just switch to something like T-Mobile home internet or Starlink since there is no other hardwired ISP options where I live.

For reference, my networking equipment is all business-grade Ubiquiti equipment. That includes a Unifi Dream Machine Pro, PoE Switch, and 2 WiFi 6 access points.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

2 years ago

Hey @user_ff1d76 Thanks for visiting our Xfinity Community Forums and providing the details of your service concerns. 

We're sorry to hear you are still experiencing issues with your service after the repair. 


Has the temporary line work been completed yet? 

Can you elaborate a bit more on the device(s) you are testing and your connection on each? 

Any other troubleshooting steps you have tried? 



3 Messages

@XfinityEva​ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Isn't it your responsibility to provide internet services that I pay for? I have unplugged and plugged back in so many times, it's sickening.

Why can't you do what we are paying you to do? Your service is intermittent at best.



3 Messages

I have blink cameras and I can't depend on Xfinity Internet to work when I need it. [Edited: "Language"] I have dial up speed trying to work. You [Edited: "Inflammatory"] are going to get me fired. 


2 Messages

2 years ago

We've had similar problems.. we're supposed to get 50mbps down, but have been only getting 4-10mbps down recently.  This all happened after Comcast/Xfinity did the outside neighborhood "upgrade" to 10G.  Before that, our internet has been fine for 11 years--that's how long we have been customers.  I don't have any answers, but we're planning to leave very soon.

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Welcome to our Community Forum, @user_d1186e! I work from home so I know how important it is to get the speeds you pay for. I'll work with you here until we reach a resolution together. What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far?

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Frequent Visitor


9 Messages

1 year ago

Having the same trouble. Gig plus plan. I used to get 1200-1300 mbps download, 40-50 upload. Now I’m getting 200mps and lower download, and about 20-25 upload. This started about a month ago when I had a xb7 gateway. Exchanged it at the store for a xb8 gateway. Gateway was fine at first, then the slow speeds started again. Slow speed tests on wired ethernet workstation, desktop, laptop, cellphones. I am using new coaxial, new Ethernet cables, replaced all splitters in the home. I also have 4 tv outlets and all tv’s are fine. I tried chat, no luck. I need someone who can check my account, make sure it is provisioned correctly, or some tier 2 or 3 trouble shooting, somebody to analyze the logs of the router 



1 Message

1 year ago

I'm having the same issue. I was getting well over 700 mpbs (I have a 1000 mpbs) plan. The last few days, my speed has dropped to under 100mbps which is far from acceptable. I've rebooting and restarted my modems and routers but it hasn't made a difference. Can someone help?

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Welcome to our Community Forum, @calbear1! I definitely want to make sure you're getting the internet speeds you pay for. Please send me the troubleshooting steps you've already tried so I don't ask you to repeat anything you've already ruled out. You can find great steps here.

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2 Messages

1 year ago

This is the exact issue I'm currently experiencing, same modem too. Issue started somewhere around two weeks ago after they did an "Emergency Maintenance" that briefly knocked my internet offline in the middle of a work day here in Denver. Called then and complained and got the run around about it being my modem until I had them to escalate things to a supervisor, she said they had an outage [Edited: "Inflammatory"] here we are two weeks later and there's no outages posted and we're still having the issues with intermittent speed issues that we pay over $200 a month for. 

It's not your equipment it's 10000% something they changed on their end. [Edited: "Inflammatory"]. [Edited: "Solicitation"]. They back peddled on that real fast after the report was filed.

If they don't resolve this in my area by tomorrow or Saturday they're getting another BBB claim against them. At my wits end with this [Edited: "Inflammatory"].


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi there @user_51efd8. I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with your service. You are in the right place and we would like to take a look at your account.

Please send us a direct chat message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.

Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:

  • Click "Sign In" if necessary
  • Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send your message


Let me know if you have any questions.

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1 Message

I was just noticing this myself. If you reset the router and delete all devices it will make my computer with has WIFI 6 speeds available closer to 500Mbps ( I have the XB8 and 1gbps plan) yet when I start running tests and try running tests on my phone that definitely has WIFI 6 it is 80Mbps. The issue is not hardware its all the throttling of "Intelligent WIFI" feature they add. If someone knows the way to go into ADMIN TOOL and turn this off that would be great. Otherwise its just a waste of having such speeds then the same computer later on shows 200Mbps when I plug in the XFI pods or if I unplug them then it shows 200 again then a little bit later 400Mbps. 

I would like an XFI network engineer to explain to me whats going on? I am a technical person and taken many class's on networking. This makes no sense to me when I only have one device on the network or 2 with my phone and the bandwidth is still half (or more on my phone) than what I pay for, or even get on my computer, from one moment to the next.  

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@user_w3esjw​ You don't have any control over the radios in the new gear with "intelligent WiFi".   If you want radio control for WiFi standards, channel selection, and other things like channel width, you'd have to use something else.  

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

Hello, @user_w3esjw  Customers with xFi Pods will have an added benefit, as their Wi-Fi devices can switch between the Gateway or Pods to determine the best connection throughout the home. Once enabled, customers will no longer be able to manage the following settings in xFi and the Admin Portal. For the most part, the customer’s experience should be unaffected.


If you desire the ability to adjust these settings manually you'll need to explore using your own modem/router for Internet/Wi-Fi. Refer to https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices/#unauth. Any issues with the speed we would want to troubleshoot with you.

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a direct message: 

  1. In the top right corner, you'll see a little chat icon near the bell icon. Click the direct message icon 
  2. Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  3. In the 'To' line, type "Xfinity Support" there. A drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list (an "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line)
  4. Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  5. Press Enter to send it. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond. Thanks!
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5 Messages

1 year ago

This thread is getting a lot of attention this month. I am on the gig plus plan and noticed all of my devices were running at 30mbp or less. Ran speed checks throughout the house and got little variance. I also ran a check on the Xfinity app and it recorded a 1400mbps speed. Not correct at all. I've switched my devices between the storm ready which should be on mesh and not cellular right now and back to the gateway. Same problem. Next I've disconnected and shut off the storm ready. I have managed to get some of my devices back up to 700mbps not perfect but good enough. EDIT: down to 450mbps now. The troubleshooting on the app is useless for advanced issues, and the lack of control for connection points is painfully bad.

Anyhow, up to this point I am still looking for a solution to use my storm ready as a mesh instead of it defaulting to cellular. I would also like to consistently get the speeds in supposedly paying for. I have not had one non-Xfinity speed test above 1000mbps.




3 Messages

1 year ago

I work from home and my internet goes out at least twice a month. They came and fixed something in the box. I'm on my 6th modem in 2 years. I've gone picked up  new modems and the service tech would have to replace them the following day. This happened twice. 

They worked on the internet in my neighborhood on the 5th of this January and I was only able to work for 40 minutes. Now my internet speed is crawling. Their service is ridiculous and they don't seem to care, because they pay municipalities to block other providers out. If they have the best service, they should let the customers decide. But they know exactly what they are doing. It truly [Edited: "Language"]. 


Official Employee


3K Messages

@user_a46631 I am sorry to hear about the issues you have been having with your services. Please send me a Direct Message with your name and service address so that I can fully dive into this for you! I will leave you instructions on how to initiate the message with us! I look forward to working with you soon!

- Click "Sign In" if necessary
- Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)
- Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
- Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
- Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
- Press Enter to send your message

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1 Message

1 year ago

Yes, Xfinity is a scam! They constantly throttle your speed until you call up and complain, in which case they may then temporarily restore your speed. These unfair practices occur even more if you live in an area where they have a monopoly. They admitted to me once that they downgraded my bandwidth since my equipment "couldn't handle it." Of course, they overcharged me for the higher tier for over 5 years and then refused to refund any more than 1 month. If you are lucky enough to have other options, consider switching to a more reputable provider. Otherwise, you will have to constantly monitor your speed and upgrade your equipment to ensure you are not being ripped off.

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