Sunday, October 6th, 2024 4:38 PM

Xfinity outage daily - can customer get refund for each outage to stop the outage?

I live in east bay and have been experiencing outage over 4 hours daily. I work from home and expected a reliable internet connection, but getting disconnected during meetings caused lots of inconvenience! There is no phone message received when the outage started, that made me think the issue was on my end so I tried to troubleshoot on the router, restart my laptop. And when this happened the xfinitywifi hotspot was also not working! 

Why this happened so frequently? What is the alternative solution you provide us when outage happens? I am thinking if you refund $1 for each 1 hour outage, that will definitely stop this from happening so much! 

Official Employee


2K Messages

2 months ago

Hello, @user_fuslvn You can request an adjustment for an interruption by visiting https://comca.st/3SbYB8I, signing in, and scrolling to the bottom where it says, "Tips in case of an outage" and you should see a blue hyperlink that says "Check eligibility" a form will launch for you to fill out and provide details about the interruption/ dates. Have you confirmed these service interruptions in the Xfinity App? I want to make sure this is not specific to an issue happening at your residence. 




5 Messages

27 days ago

I have been experiencing outages on almost a weekly basis with no explanation ever given. Xfinity seems to think that it’s customers are going to accept this extremely poor level of service and response to questions. I’m seriously considering switching back to DISH for television and getting a Starlink system for Internet.

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