Monday, July 29th, 2024 2:36 PM

Xfinity blocking SAS airlines website and request to unblock going unanswered after a week

I reported the website flysas.com as being blocked and received acknowledgement of the request.  I have now spent an hour last Friday and an hour today on the phone with customer support and they have no idea what to do.  I understand how sites sometimes get flagged.  But what I do not understand is why it is taking so many days to have it rescanned and then unblocked.  I spoke with SAS Airlines and they confirmed their website is not hacked or held for ransomware or down.  I can access the site on other internet providers or using cellular service. 



106K Messages

2 months ago

As a possible temporary workaround, you could try disabling their Advanced Security feature and see;


10 Messages

@EG​ Thanks for the tip. I did not mention this but I do not use the Xfinity Gateway router and so am not using Xfinity advanced security. Thus, I cannot disable it as it is not enabled.



106K Messages

2 months ago

OK, good luck with it !

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

@user_wcapvw wrote: "I reported the website flysas.com as being blocked ..."

I can reach the site using Comcast's internet ("Welcome to the world of SAS"). What happens when you try to reach it? Any error messages?

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10 Messages

@BruceW​ I receive a message that says

The request is blocked.

The date/time group updates when I try to access the site.  I can access it if I use cellular data only.

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

... The request is blocked ...

Hmmmm. What does a trace to flysas.com show? In Windows, open a Command Prompt window, enter

    tracert -4 flysas.com

and post the output. Mine looks like:

C>tracert -4 flysas.com

Tracing route to flysas.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

   1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router1 []
   2     9 ms      8 ms       8 ms
   3     9 ms      8 ms       9 ms  po-301-1203-rur01.york.pa.pitt.comcast.net []
   4     9 ms      8 ms       8 ms  po-2-rur02.york.pa.pitt.comcast.net []
   5    10 ms    19 ms     10 ms  be-87-rar01.lancaster.pa.pitt.comcast.net []
   6    18 ms    17 ms     18 ms  be-34-ar01.mckeesport.pa.pitt.comcast.net []
   7    18 ms    19 ms        *       be-31631-cs03.pittsburgh.pa.ibone.comcast.net []
   8    26 ms    26 ms     26 ms  be-3211-pe11.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net []
   9    26 ms    27 ms     26 ms  ash-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 10    38 ms    27 ms     28 ms  ash-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 11    28 ms    28 ms     28 ms  nyk-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 12     *          104 ms   101 ms  ldn-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 13   101 ms  101 ms      *         slou-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 14   100 ms  102 ms   101 ms  radware-ic-369403.ip.twelve99-cust.net []
 15      *            *             *         Request timed out.
 16   103 ms  104 ms   103 ms

Trace complete.

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10 Messages

@BruceW​ Do you happen to have a prompt for using a Mac?  I do have a Windows computer but not immediately available.

10 Messages

@user_wcapvw​ Disregard--I just found some instructions online and will give it a try on my Macbook

10 Messages

@user_wcapvw​ Here is the result.  Similar in many ways to yours.  Perhaps you can see where they differ (other than cities).

traceroute to flysas.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets

 1 (  3.552 ms  2.819 ms  2.860 ms

 2 (  15.976 ms (  24.391 ms (  22.017 ms

 3  po-303-328-rur102.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  24.752 ms

    po-303-327-rur101.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  20.502 ms

    po-303-328-rur102.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  11.687 ms

 4  po-100-xar01.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  11.898 ms

    po-2-rur101.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  14.374 ms

    po-100-xar01.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  10.082 ms

 5  po-100-xar01.sburlington.vt.boston.comcast.net (  11.236 ms *  15.135 ms

 6  be-502-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net (  21.661 ms *

    be-501-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net (  268.101 ms

 7  be-502-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net (  196.920 ms *

    be-501-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net (  74.212 ms

 8 (  20.917 ms *  20.319 ms

 9 (  21.374 ms

    nyk-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net (  29.323 ms *

10  * nyk-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net (  21.646 ms *

11  ldn-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  99.975 ms

    slou-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  98.186 ms *

12  radware-ic-369403.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  104.956 ms

    slou-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  96.365 ms

    radware-ic-369404.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  98.401 ms

13  radware-ic-369404.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  121.533 ms *  102.423 ms

14 (  104.969 ms *  103.022 ms

arcticathena@Athenas-MacAir ~ % 

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

Since your trace shows you are reaching the target site, chances are that's where the "request is blocked" message is coming from. The site or its webhost is most likely blocking your public Comcast IP. You can look up your IP at https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+my+IP. You'll need to ask the site's admins for help with this. In many cases they don't even know that their systems do IP blocking, so this may not be easy.

Good luck!

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106K Messages

2 months ago


Look at all those routing loops ! 😮

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

... Look at all those routing loops ! ...

My guess was that those were probably a traceroute artifact, but maybe not?

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106K Messages

2 months ago

Beats me.... Just sayin'.



106K Messages

2 months ago

4 and 5, 6 and 7, 8 and 9 are numerically different hops but with the same IP's. Something is going on there.


Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

At the second hop in the trace the path appears to split in two directions, 10.a.b.2 and 10.a.b.3, which we note, are more of those mysterious Comcast private IPs. The split persists in hop three, which consists of 96.c.d.217 and 96.c.d.177. My guess is that this split continues through the rest of the trace, with one path a step ahead of the other, and that the result is apparent routing loops.

But "guess" is the key word in that paragraph.  😉  (Apologies to the OP for this digression).

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106K Messages

2 months ago

Yes. Apologies. But it may not be a "digression". It's pointing out another issue that may or may not be related to the initial issue. Something that the Comcast network engineers should be made aware of.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

2 months ago

Howdy user_wcapvw!

This style concern would traditionally flow through our CSA team. Is that who you had contacted? That is our online security team, they are awesome! The Customer Security Assurance organization has been established to ensure a safe and secure online experience for Comcast customers. This team is a dedicated group of security professionals who respond to issues pertaining to phishing, spam, infected computers (commonly referred to as bots), online fraud and other security issues.

  • Business Hours: 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week
  • Contact: 1-888-565-4329


10 Messages

@XfinityThomasB​ Thomas--your suggestion is not helpful for this issue.  I did call and they confirmed that the CSA team does not unblock sites that Xfinity blocks.  They deal with, as you note, phishing, spam, infected computers, online fraud and other email issues.  I am trying to reach the advanced security team that blocks websites so they can rescan and allow my IP address to access.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

user_wcapvw I am extremely sorry for any confusion. We are based out of our corporate headquarters and understand this process well. I reviewed all the details of the ticket, and the notes from the interactions with our phone teams you had spoken with. The guidance you were provided that the issue is rooted in your modem and to contact the manufacturer, is unfortunately not accurate. If our system notice some type of abnormal traffic or security by a certain domain, that is usually flagged. Our CSA team is who you would need to speak with, I am sorry that you are having a hard time with this resolution, but this concern is outside the scope of our normal frontline tech support. I would advise calling our CSA team again to inquire about the access to this website. 


The concern raised by our team in regard to your device is based on IPv4 and IPv6 technology in the way websites are built. Your device should be more than capable of both of these protocols. All the manufacturer would recommend is to do a factory reset to purge any stored data from the device itself. 

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10 Messages

@XfinityThomasB​ I spoke with the CSR team today for almost an hour and was told they cannot help. I am not sure why you are pointing me back to them. I did reset the modem and my router, as a precaution, and not change. The site is still inaccessible. I am at a loss what to do. 


Official Employee


1.7K Messages


user_wcapvw, Let's take a closer look and keep working on this together. I still have your back and will do all that I can. Can you please reply back our existing DM with your full name and full address? 


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10 Messages

2 months ago

It is quite remarkable how many people I have spoken to within the Xfinity/Comcast network who want to help but are not able to because they are Tier 1 customer support.  I am up to 10 people and 4 hours on the phone over the course of three days.  No one is responding to direct messaging.  I've identified two points of failure at this point.  The first, is that after submitting the online form with details on what site I request access to and receiving an email confirmation it was received, there is no tracking number assigned to the request.  Second, there is no POC provided to follow up with directly for a status update on the submitted form.  

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

2 months ago

... I spoke with the CSR team today for almost an hour and was told they cannot help ...

If, as appears to be the case, the "request is blocked" message is coming from the site or its webhost, Comcast/Xfinity CSA will not be able to help you. You need to be working with the entity doing the blocking.

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10 Messages

@BruceW​ I agree. The people I spoke to at Xfinity said they did not “unblock” sites, even if Xfinity was blocking access. Hence my frustration as I have yet to talk to anyone in Xfinity who unblocks sites. They seem unreachable except for the one form to fill out and submit online. 

1 Message

I want to confirm that this is a problem for me as well.
I am on a MacBook Pro, in the Burlington Vermont area (Essex), using safari browser.   (on Ventura OS)
If I try from my iphone, also on the same wifi, I can access the flysas.com website.


Official Employee


1.5K Messages


digitorus Are you using your own modem or ours? Have you tried setting security to the lowest settings on the device that can't reach the site, and the modem device? This tread has a lot of good information so far from our Problem solvers that may help. 


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1 Message

12 days ago

This is happening to me as well. So frustrating... unable to open the SAS site to look at my flight status.  This is simply awful!

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