

2 Messages

Monday, September 20th, 2021 3:27 PM


XFi Advanced Gateway - not getting WiFi 6

My understanding is my Xfi Advanced Gateway (XB6) supports WiFi 6. I've confirmed the driver on my computer also supports WiFi 6 - however when I look at my WiFi properties - it's showing that I'm on Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac).

I went into the Xfinity Admin / gateway settings (Gateway -> WiFi) and saw the 'Mode' is set to 802.11 a/n/ac - and there's a dropdown there to change it, however it's greyed out - so I'm not able to change it to 802.11ax (WiFi 6). Anyone know what's up and/or how to fix it? I saw on a post a year or so ago that Xfinity was coming out with a firmware update to allow WiFi 6 - but again that was a year ago so I'd assume that should have been out by now.


Problem Solver


948 Messages

3 years ago

The Xb6 doesn’t support Wifi 6 / ax, but the Xb7 does



2 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks - @bruce, as I mentioned I've already confirmed my PC wifi driver is up to date / ready for WiFi 6. Sounds like the issue is the gateway itself. Again i was under the impression the XB6 supported WiFi 6 - but if that's not actually the case, I need a new gateway. I would think Xfinity should swap it out for me with no issue, right?




95 Messages


They should swap it out no problem.  I just swapped my XB6 for an XB7 because I needed it for accessing the >1Gig upgrade they gave to our 1 Gig plan.  All I did was make an appointment online for the local Xfinity Store and marked "return or exchange equipment" as the reason and stated in the comment that I needed an XB7 to support our plan.  Not sure what you might put in there for your situation (don't know your speed), or if it even really matters.

edit:  You could even give "need WiFi 6" as the reason probably.  




7 Messages

3 years ago

You need to go into the app and change the modem to broadcast separate SSID’s for 2.4 & 5 GHZ first. Then try to go into the admin portal and adjust the advanced settings. 



108.6K Messages

3 years ago

AFAIK the XB6 model gateway devices do not support WiFi 6.



1 Message

@EG Do we have any more detail, other than "AFAIK"? The most I can find are press releases which do not reference specific "friendly" model names or otherwise, and then of course the gateway overview page: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/broadband-gateways-userguides.

The XB6 has a listed throughput of 1 Gbps, while the 3rd gen gateway XB7 has a listed throughput of 2.5 Gbps. So for anyone else who stumbles upon this thread in search of a definitive answer... No, the XB6 is not a WiFi 6 powered gateway. The newer XB7 is, however.




108.6K Messages

@Derjyn wrote: "@EG Do we have any more detail, other than "AFAIK"?

You just did ! 😉

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