Saturday, December 23rd, 2023 8:40 PM


Xbox360 won’t work when using an Ethernet cable.

So l've tried connecting 4 slims and 1 phat to my internet with an Ethernet cable but the results where all basically the same higher upload speeds than download speeds and unable to connect to Xbox Live or failed to load Explorer or when loading Explorer I get a failed to connect to website message.

I know my cable and port on my router is good as when I connect it to the Series X I get 900Mbps down and 40Mops up.

I tried resetting the factory settings which I think are only for wireless? Wireless wanted a WPA2 passcode which I'm assuming is just my password for connecting to my router? But that didn't work either.

I've tried searching and I watched a lot of old videos which really didn't offer any help other than me realizing that editing was greatly overlooked by our youth. I saw videos talk about connecting an Ethernet cable between your computer and the Xbox360, or copying the sign in and password from the back of your router and using that to login. But most referred to your Xbox360 being modded or hacked and I haven't gotten to that stage yet in my process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know I'm not lucky enough to get six numbers correct on the same ticket, but I know I'm not unlucky enough to get 5 broken Xbox360's that can't v connect to the internet.

My Xfinity modem/router feeds my hub which feeds  Xbox Series X, PS5, computer and TV just fine but not the 360. Package is 1.4Gbps down and 40Mbs upload.

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