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2 Messages
XB8 Ethernet ports
Why, when I plug my ethernet into one of the ports I get one speed...and when I plug it into another Ethernet port (On the XB8) i get another? Same Gateway but different ports. Shouldn't they all be the same?
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 years ago
You'd think so, but no. Three of the ports on the XB7 and the XB8 operate at a maximum speed of 1 Gigabit, and the fourth (lower right, red mark) at 2.5 Gb. Why? Don't know. I'm guessing they saved a few pennies that way.
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Valued Contributor
406 Messages
2 years ago
Thank you for reaching out on the forums, @Nate6644! This sounds like a very odd situation, and different ethernet ports should not be giving drastically different results. Could you run a speed test on both ports and let me know the results?