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18 Messages

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 12:00 PM


XB6-T Wireless Router fan noise

My XB6-T wireless router has started making this medium tone noise that really messes with my ears.  Its definately the fan whirling and causing a tone.  If I set the router on a towel, the sound dampends some but that restricts airflow and will probably cause it to overheat.


Internet, TV and phone area all working fine.  Its just an annoying tone coming out of the router.   I have read many similar issues ont he Internet and some say its a known issue and get it replaced and others have no solution.


I chatted with support yesterday and they were doing diagnostics for almost an hour and I had to go. They said it was escalated and support would be calling me. No call yesterday or today. 


We don't have a comcast store in our town.   What is the best way to get a replacement router even though it may have the same issue.   I'm told the newer XB7 modems have an external power supply so there is no fan in those but I also read Wifi is not good with XB7.    


Anyone have a solution?



Accepted Solution



18 Messages

4 years ago

I was able to Chat with support and get a replacement unit.   The replacement was a used scratched up unit BUT, it was quiet so I am keeping it.   Activation was a bit difficult for some reason. Took over an hour on the phone but its finally working.   Thanks



109K Messages

4 years ago



18 Messages

4 years ago

That link is good if I want to return equipment but not sure how that helps my issue.




109K Messages

4 years ago

Get it swapped out for another. Include an explanation. The fastest way would be to swap it out at a store. You stated that "you don't have one in town".



109K Messages

4 years ago

No prob. Now closing out this topic.

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