6 Messages
WPA3 not available on my XB7
Hey just got a XB7 modem looks good however the only reason I swapped the modem was for the security wpa3 encryption. Now that it’s installed I’m seeing either wpa2 or open nothing else. Is there a firmware update I need to get WPA3?
Official Employee
4.2K Messages
4 years ago
Greetings, @user_947fb1! Thanks for reaching out to us on the Forums! I hope you are having an amazing day! I certainly understand wanting to get the best wifi encryption that's out there. At this time, the XB7 does not support WPA3 at this time. We hope there is a future update that will introduce this security but there is no ETA on it at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
5 Messages
4 years ago
Even with 1gig speeds and the latest modem that Xfinity offers, I cannot get WPA3, I only see WPA2 or open as options just like you do. The only way after talking to support for the last week to get WPA3, is to bridge to a 3rd party modem. It's unfortunate, and you'd think Xfinity would want the best security for their customers. They no longer have a security department in support, so getting this answer took a lot of digging.