

5 Messages

Monday, July 3rd, 2023 8:54 PM


Wired Xfi pod keeps losing internet connectivity

I have an Xfi pod Ethernet connected from an Ethernet jack that runs back to our modem/gateway, then the Xfi pod has an Ethernet cable connecting to my iMac.  

The XFi pod works well wirelessly connected to an office printer, frame, etc. while maintaining hardwired wired speeds (+750MB) to the iMac for the day.

However, each morning when I log back into the iMac (it sleeps at night) the system has no internet connection.  

I unplug and plug back in the Xfi pod and it comes back in a minute or two.  

Any ideas why it keeps losing connection?

Official Employee


1K Messages

2 years ago

Hey there! That is odd, my immediate reaction is the sleeping of your iMac, I know my personal Macbook also disconnects from wifi when it sleeps but it takes just a couple of seconds to connect again. Would it be possible to prevent it from sleeping one night and see if things stay connected? 



5 Messages

2 years ago

Sure, will try that - but the iMac is also wireless connected so technically if the Xfi pod was working, assume it would connect through that as well?  Back later on with the results!

Official Employee


1K Messages

Sounds like a plan, we will chat soon!

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Official Employee


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Oh awesome! I bet that is it! Keep me posted!

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5 Messages

2 years ago

Just tried it - also, tested Xfi pod on Xfinity Home app and it’s working - so rebooted iMac and it had connection when it came back up - so it’s the iMac configuration.  Looks like “put the hard drive to sleep” was on - so I toggled it off - will see if that works next!



5 Messages

2 years ago

Ok just tried it again and didn’t work - so turned off Power Nap - will let you know

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Got it. We'll be on standby, so you can circle back here as needed. We appreciate your time and cooperation. 

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5 Messages

Worked - Power Nap is was!  Thanks for the help

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

No problem 👍 I'm glad the issue is resolved, and you got it all squared away! 

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