

14 Messages

Thursday, January 13th, 2022 11:37 AM


VPN Blocked

Something blocks my VPN from home to work. I highly suspect the issue is within Comcast.

This is the third time I have to swap the xFinity modem at home in order to get VPN to work. Literally just to get the modem to redo the set up. After each set up, the modem got a new WAN IP address. The WAN Default Gateway Address was sometime the same, sometime different.

I can eliminate the computer being the issue because I have two computers at home. Either both works or don't after each modem reset.

I can eliminate the work server being the issue because I am the server admin. I do not block any address. 

When VPN is not working through Comcast network, I can manage to get VPN connected through my mobile network.

Hate to point a finger to Comcast without a direct evidence, but by elimination, it points to Comcast.

My temporary fix right now is keeping two xFinity modems and manually swapping them when VPN is not working.

I hope VPN user having similar issue can try this fix and share back the result.

Many people having VPN issue. Not just me.


I hope Comcast can look into this. They have insisted that they don't block anything but they seems to know there is an issue.


My previous post on the same issue


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VPN Not Working

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