Saturday, June 29th, 2024 12:02 AM

Valorant Packet Loss (New Mexico)

I first experienced a small amount of packet loss at the beginning of this month, but the past couple of days has made the game unplayable.

I am playing on a PC, I have a wired connection, and I am not experiencing this issue with any other game

I have tried restarting my gateway (by restarting it through the app and by unplugging it for ~5 mins), checked the connections from the router to my PC, made sure the connection to the router from the wall is connected, and flushing my dns. I'm still seeing no difference

I tried pinging the Valorant servers multiple times with 100 requests (`ping -n 100 valorant.com`), and I'm getting about 13-15 of those 100 packets back from their servers. When I run the same command against google.com I'm getting all 100 back.


2 Messages

2 days ago

I just tried port forwarding using Riot's guide (https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402306473619-How-to-Set-Up-Port-Forwarding). Instead of me only getting 13-15 of the packets I'm getting about 74-78 of 100, which is a HUGE improvement but still not acceptable

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