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Using Bridge Mode with Motorola MT7711
Yes, it is possible to use the MT7711 in Bridge Mode. I followed the instructions in this post: Bridge Mode for Motorola MT7711
Specifically, I followed the subset of the instructions labeled "MG7700, MG8725 and MT8733 - Put into bridge mode:" When you reach the end of those instructions, go back to the instructions above and follow the steps beginning with "Reconnect the coaxial cable while the modem/router is rebooting." to finish the process. I let the gateway/modem re-boot completely (i.e., I waited until it had fully acquired the internet signal from Comcast), and then turned it off, attached Ethernet cable from gateway/modem to my powered-on wireless router, and then turned on the gateway/modem. If like me you make a direct wired ethernet connection between your router and your desktop computer, try this if the connection isn't working: re-start your computer once the gateway/modem has fully re-started and you have evidence that your wireless router is indeed broadcasting a wifi signal.
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11 days ago