Monday, December 2nd, 2024 5:27 PM

Using Bridge Mode with Motorola MT7711

Yes, it is possible to use the MT7711 in Bridge Mode. I followed the instructions in this post: Bridge Mode for Motorola MT7711 

Specifically, I followed the subset of the instructions labeled "MG7700, MG8725 and MT8733 - Put into bridge mode:" When you reach the end of those instructions, go back to the instructions above and follow the steps beginning with "Reconnect the coaxial cable while the modem/router is rebooting." to finish the process. I let the gateway/modem re-boot completely (i.e., I waited until it had fully acquired the internet signal from Comcast), and then turned it off, attached Ethernet cable from gateway/modem to my powered-on wireless router, and then turned on the gateway/modem. If like me you make a direct wired ethernet connection between your router and your desktop computer, try this if the connection isn't working: re-start your computer once the gateway/modem has fully re-started and you have evidence that your wireless router is indeed broadcasting a wifi signal. 

Official Employee


1.7K Messages

11 days ago


user_8w17ig Thanks for reaching out with your question. Given the device isn't ours, we wouldn't be the best place for assistance. You would want to contact the modem manufacturer for help with getting it to work in bridge mode. We only have tools to assist with Comcast equipment on our end. 


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