3 Messages
Upload speed is a 1/4 of what is advertised.
I have the "Connect More" plan with an advertised 300 down and 100 up. My router has a built in speed-test functionality that tests the speed at the modem (not at a wifi connected device) eliminating speed loss due to wifi connection issues. When I test my speed with that function I'm seeing actual speeds of 350 down (yay!) but only 24 up. That's less than a quarter of what I'm paying for. The fine print said that typical upload speed on this plan was 117 up.
Any suggestions for how to unlock the full upload speed?
Accepted Solution
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
4 months ago
What is the model number of your modem or gateway? Only a few are compatible with the new higher upload speeds. See:
And especially see the "All Compatible Devices" link near the bottom of https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices (at the moment it points to https://assets.xfinity.com/assets/dotcom/projects/cix-4997_compatible-devices/2024-07-18_Full-List-of-Compatible-Devices.pdf, but this changes from time to time).
Realize that although Comcast calls some devices "Compatible" and some "Recommended", for all but a few devices those designations only mean "compatible/recommended for use with their Internet service", and not necessarily approved for the new upload speeds.
You need one of Comcast's newer rental gateways (XB6, XB7, XB8) or one of the few retail devices shown in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group with an upload speed rating in the "All Compatible Devices" PDF. Also see the Reddit link, which lists the approved devices as well as other requirements for faster upload speeds.
Comcast could make all of this much simpler and clearer, but they have chosen not to do so.
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3 Messages
4 months ago
My modem is a Motorola MB8611 | Model number: MB8611
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
4 months ago
The MB8611 is not compatible with the new higher upload speeds. See the "Next Gen" list at the top of the "All Compatible Devices" PDF.
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3 Messages
4 months ago
Thank you! I just bought this modem because my old one was Docsis 3.0 and Xfinity had been telling me it wasn't supporting my speed. So I just bought this Motorola one based off of this page: https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices/#auth (not sure if you have to login to see that) but Xfinity is recommending modems solely based off of download speed (and have language that says all of these will support all of the plans that Xfinity offers--which is only true of the download speed).
Is this the approved CODA modem that meets the "Next Gen" classification? https://amzn.to/3yXHym4
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
4 months ago
As stated in the PDF:
Comcast/Xfinity rates that CODA modem for 456 Mbps upload, but only 934 Mbps download.
They rate the CODA56 for 455 Mbps upload and 2.33 Gbps download (ex: https://www.amazon.com/Hitron-CODA56-Multi-Gigabit-Certified-Spectrum/dp/B0BKZ4DHNL).
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