19 Messages
Upgraded to 2gb service
I just upgraded to 2gb internet service (though I'm pretty sure provisioning hasn't happened yet).
I current have an Arris TG4482A modem (data+voice), and I'm thinking of dropping voice.
Does the TG4482A support speeds up to 2gb?
Not talking just the WAN port to my router - does it support 2gb speeds from Xfinity?
-- Thanks, Verne
168 Messages
1 year ago
@va2124 - Do you actually have an Arris branded device or an Xfinity's XFI ADVANCED GATEWAY (XB7) ?
The Arris TG4482A is not on The List of approved BYOM devices for the "Next Gen Speed Tier", and it looks like it's not on their list at all.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
1 year ago
As stated on the Xfinity Gateways page, TG4482A is one of the model numbers of the XB7 Gateway:
The XB7 and XB8 gateways both have three 1 Gb ports and one 2.5 Gb port. Either device should support 2Gb service.
Several customers have posted that their gateways don't provide full speed in bridge mode. To check the speed your gateway is getting I'd suggest dropping it out of bridge mode long enough to run their Xfinity app "speed to gateway" test (see
If that doesn't pan out then you have a provisioning or signal problem. If it reports the expected speed then you'll have to decide whether you're willing to tolerate substandard speeds while in bridge mode.
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