3 Messages
unable (ever) to access Gateway
Default Gateway username and password doesn't work at all (TRIED FACTORY RESET)
I'm trying to login to my gateway to change some settings.
I have tried
- Factory Resetting (Multiple times)
- the username and passwords: admin, password (all lowercase)
- Calling Support which in a very frustrating manner won't connect me to a person and only sends me to the Xfinity app where I have spent hours upon hours including 2 shift changes on Xfinity's end which caused us to start over. And oh, there's always an error when I ask for the chat transcript probably because when they tell me "it should be fine in the am after we make some setting changes", it is NOT. I know they're [Edit: Language] me because we spent 6 hours trying to resolve the issue and couldn't. AND they asked me what password I wanted to use and they would just set it for me!
3 Messages
13 days ago
I should add I cannot access the Gateway whether I am connected via ethernet or WiFi.
Official Employee
836 Messages
11 days ago
Hey there, @user_0tgtp4. Are you using one of our Xfinity Wireless Gateways or your own modem/router equipment? If it is one of our pieces of equipment you can utilize xfinity.com and the Xfinity app to view and change your password. What specific setting are you attempting to update through the admin tool?