4 Messages
Tivo Bolt MoCA Bridge causes loss of Internet
When I turn on the MoCA Bridge on my Tivo Bolt my Internet stops working on all my devices. I have tried 2 different Tivo Bolts but I get the same issue. This issue started happening on an older Xfinity Modem so I got a new Xfinity modem but the issue remains. I talked with Tivo and they said the modem is not allowing the Tivo Bolt to create a MocA network.
Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?
Thank you
Accepted Solution
4 Messages
4 years ago
Yes!! It is working now. I tried option 2 and it worked. I screwed a POE (Point of Entry) filter into the back of my Comcast modem and connected the coax cable to that.
I am now able to start the Tivo Bridge without bringing down my internet. I am also able to connect all my Tivo Minis.
I did need to restart all my equipment and I set-up my Tivo MoCA Bridge and Clients again.
Thank you for all your help!!!!
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
4 years ago
Hello, @jeff.m [Edited to remove PII in username]. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help troubleshoot this connectivity issue you're experiencing when attempting to turn on the MoCa Bridge mode on your Tivo Bolt. I would be more than happy to help figure out a solution to this inconvenience.
Is your Tivo connected with an Ethernet cable to your modem when your other devices disconnect? Can you please share with me what steps you're taking to activate the bridge mode?
4 Messages
4 years ago
Thank you for your response.
This is my setup:
The coax cable comes into my house and is split: one connection goes to my modem and one goes to my Tivo Bolt (which has a Comcast cable card).
My Tivo is connected to my Xfinity modem with an ethernet cable.
To set-up my Tivo as a MoCA Bridge I do the following:
1. Go to the Tivo "Menu"
2. Select "Settings" -> "Network Settings"
3. I select "Change Network Settings" (which is currently set to "Ethernet"
4. I click on "MoCA" (which is set to "Off")
5. Turn MoCA on? Yes
6. Select "Set up as Bridge"
7. MoCA Channel - I have tried "Auto", 15, 17,19, 21, 23 and 25
8. Click "Use this channel setting"
9. Click "No Encryption"
10. It comes back with the message "Connection Successful. The Tivo Box is now connected. If necessary, you will be prompted on the next screen to obtain an IP address"
11. It is at this point that I lose all my internet connections. I have a PC connected to the modem with an ethernet cable and I have multiple other WIFI connections All connections stop working.
11. I then Click "OK" on the Tivo screen
12. The next screen says "How do you want the Tivo box to obtain an IP address?
13. I click on "Get automatically from DHCP server (typical)
14. This returns a C113 error. The full messages is: "There is a problem with the Tivo Service (C113). This may be a temporary problem with the Service or your Internet connection. Please make sure your firewall is not set to block UDP ports 37 or 123 or TCP ports 37, 80, 443, 5005, 5222, 5223, 7287, 7288, 8000, or 8080-8089. Visit
As soon as I turn MoCA off again my internet comes back on.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
108.3K Messages
4 years ago
Now closing this topic............